Bruce Film News The Project

Back from the dead

Well it has been a bloody long time since I’ve posted here. Sorry about that, old chums. So here’s an update about goings-on at The Empire.

Since August, I’ve been working at The Project as a writer and web producer, which means running the content on their web site, as well as writing possible jokes that the hosts might want to use.

Visitors of this blog who used to enjoy the raw jokes posts might like to note that we’ve started up some similar pages called The Week That Was over at The Side Project blog. Rather than a complete list of jokes from our week, we are instead selecting a couple of stories per day.

Every day I also post up Top Stories from the news – some frivolous, some less so. Catch up with them before they officially become old news (at the three month mark they expire from the archive).

Mat and my sitcom Bruce continues to progress towards its inevitable launch, with some scripts we’re really proud of and the cutting together of a rather wonderful trailer, which will hopefully be on the internet very soon.

Meanwhile, Mat’s about to start working for Wednesday Night Fever with our old GNW boss Ian Simmons.

I’m currently also working on the third draft of The Devil’s In The Details, which I’m delighted to say was optioned last year by the marvellously talented Paul Andersen, who also intends to direct. I’ve been taking a lot of care over the plot, but I think I’m almost ready for writing, and I must say I can’t wait.

I’ve recently taken some sessions in comedy writing too, for the Writers’ Guild, RMIT and Channel 31. Always fun. What I think I’m saying is I’m open to offers.

I also now occasionally tweet @wokholt (go on, follow me, I promise it won’t hurt), and did you see the Media Empire trailer on our home page? You didn’t? I guess it’s lucky you can see it here then…

Your Emperor,

By Wok

Warwick Holt is a highly experienced, award-winning screenwriter, who has written for many of Australia's top comedians and presenters, and the Emperor of this here Media Empire.

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