Glass House

Chopperopoly (The Glass House 24/5/06)

A new board game has gone on sale based on the life of Chopper Read. Mochopperly! All the squares say “Go To Jail”…

It’s a competetive game; every time you get sent to gaol, you get stabbed.

Roll a six and you lose a toe.

The Community Chest is covered in tattoos…

One card says, “Chop off your ears, but do not pass Van Gogh”…

Chance: “You come last in a fuckin’ beauty contest. Collect fuck all.”

Community Chest: “You sign a publishing deal for your books and become not only rich, but an Aussie icon, despite laws against profiting from crime. Move to Tasmania, laughing your tattooed arse off.”

Chance: “Take the money from whoever’s winning the game, torture them with a blowtorch and cut their toes off.”

It’s played a bit like scrabble, but you only get “u”, “c”, “k” and “f”.

It’s a distinct advantage in the game if you get to play Chopper. If at all possible, avoid the Neville Bartos piece.

The winner is the first player to pull out a gun and say “Time to stop playin’ fuckin’ games, eh? Where’s the cash?”

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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