Good News Week

Rudd tries to make Bush look stupider than he is (Good News Week 10/11/08: What’s the Story?)

Kevin Rudd has ended up with vovo on his face after a report that George Bush asked him “What’s the G20?” in a phone call ended up to be somewhat of an exaggeration. Rudd hosed down the suggestion that the leak would make other world leaders wary of speaking with him, saying that they all think Bush is an idiot too. / they already thought Bush was an idiot.

They’ll never track down who leaked the alleged quote. After all, it was a private call between the President and the PM – who knows who was listening? / anyone could’ve been listening.

The leak was from an anonymous source. Because a private call between two heads of state could have been listened to by virtually anyone.

Rudd’s mystified. He can’t think of anyone at who was in the room with him for that private phone call who’d want to make him look good. He’ll keep thinking.

The source also said that Rudd “was like a bull terrier” with Bush, adding that Rudd was also “much better looking” than Bush and besides, who was the bilingual one here, eh? / and besides, “can Bush speak Mandarin? I don’t think so.”

So we’ve gone from a PM who was so far up Bush’s arse that he couldn’t understand the criticism to one who makes up stupid things that Bush has said. See, our major political parties really are different.

So we’ve gone from a PM who lied to get us into Bush’s war to one who’s lied to make Bush look like an idiot. Well, at least Rudd’s bullshit is on the side of the underdog. / So at least Rudd’s bullshitting for the battlers.

But Rudd was in a tough spot. He was desperate to get at least one jab in before Dubya left office. / It was his last chance to do his “Dubya’s a moron” routine.

Rudd says whatever the source of the leak said, Bush never asked “What’s the G20?” He added that Bush wasn’t nearly as stupid as the source would’ve liked to believe he was.

Rudd says whatever the source said, Bush never asked “What’s the G20?” He actually asked “What’s the J20?” / “Hey, who d’you think would win a fight between Batman and Osama?” / “And how do you spell that?”

Bush never actually asked what the G20 was, just how you spelt it.

But the story in The Australian doesn’t give the whole story. The source actually said that Bush asked (schoolboy spastic impression) “What’th the Gee-Twenny? Duuuuhh!”

Whether it was Rudd or one of his aides, whoever leaked it was being incredibly insensitive. You don’t make fun of the special-needs kid.

Surely you don’t need to make up stories of Dubya’s stupidity.

Of course Bush knows what the G20 is. They brought us yesterday’s episode of Sesame Street.

Bush said he not only knew what the G20 was, he could count that high without taking off his pants.

Bush said of course he knew what the G20 was – he just prefers The Fantastic Four.

Bush said of course he knew what the G20 was – he just prefers D12. (Eminem is his type of rapper: white and crass.)

Not only did Bush not know what the G20 was, but he totally fell for Rudd’s “smell the cheese” trick. / “pull my finger” trick.

The leak first appeared in The Australian, whose editor happened to be having dinner with Rudd when the PM took Bush’s call. You can see how the story could get out – the last thing Rudd would want to admit at a dinner party was that Dubya was actually on top of things.

The leak first appeared in The Australian, whose editor happened to be having dinner with Rudd when the PM took Bush’s call. The newspaper’s now being renamed The UnAustralian.

But however it happened, Rudd’s now going to be attending a G20 meeting, where there are 18 other leaders that he can also belittle and insult.

But however it happened, Rudd’s going to be attending a G20 meeting, where there are 19 leaders that he can feel superior to.

The leak was from an anonymous source. The only lead is a mysterious figure who seen lurking around Kirribillee House that night, before quickly walking off in his green and gold tracksuit…

The leak was from an anonymous source. The only lead we have is that the source called himself “Dr N”, and had an enormous forehead.

It really does reflect poorly on Rudd. I mean, he had a conversation with George Bush and seems to have been his intellectual equal.

Rudd later said that while Bush had never actually said “What’s the G20?”, you have to admit his impersonation was spot on. / he reckons he really nailed the voice.

So either Rudd’s lying, or someone very close to him is. He’s finally showing himself to be Prime Ministerial. / He’s never looked so Prime Ministerial.

Malcolm Turnbull demanded that Rudd apologise for the slight, and Rudd responded by demanding that Turnbull apologise for John Howard’s comments last year suggesting Barack Obama was the favourite candidate of al Qaeda. Because after 18 months, those comments are really starting to sting.

Rudd has now asked Turnbull to apologise for John Howard’s comments last year suggesting Barack Obama was the favourite candidate of al Qaeda. Turnbull has refused, saying that’d be like apologising for previous government’s wrongs – and we all know Liberals don’t like to do that.

Rudd said it was a simple mishearing, and Bush actually said “What’s the fee? Plenty.” He was suggesting it will be very expensive for Rudd to get to G20, what with the Australian dollar so low. And so on. So now that’s cleared up, why doesn’t Malcolm apologise to Obama for Howard?

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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