Good News Week

Aliens aren’t actually aliens (Good News Week 9/3/09: Blow Up Your Pants)

World-renowned cosmologist Professor Paul Davies has called for the search for aliens to focus on a new planet: Earth. Not what most of us would call aliens perhaps, but then Professor Davies is originally from Betelgeuse. / Mars.

World-renowned cosmologist Professor Paul Davies has called for the search for aliens to focus on the planet Earth. Apparently the idea came to him after one too many bucket-bongs.

According to world-renowned cosmologist Paul Davies, aliens could even be inside us. The only way to deal with the problem for sure is to aim the death rays at each other.

According to world-renowned cosmologist Paul Davies, aliens could even be inside us – strange alien creatures just slightly smaller than ourselves, wearing us as coats, making us move around like gristly marionettes- GET THEM OUT OF ME!!! AAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHH!

I mean, it might turn out that eggbeaters are really aliens! NOOOO! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! THE EGGBEATERS ARE HERE!!!

Not only are the aliens already here, but they’ve already been taken to see our leader, and have already given him a rigorous probing. Which explains Kevin’s little grin.

He says we might not be alone on this planet after all. He clearly hasn’t noticed that we share the planet with about FIFTY MILLION other species…

Professor Davies says we may not be alone on this planet, and may in fact be sharing it with alien species he refers to as “dogs”, “cats” and “budgies”.

He calls the unknown evolutionary creatures “shadow life” or “weird life”. Because “life just as natural and normal as our own” doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Shadow life. Yep, that sounds like something worth disturbing.

Not only might “aliens” actually come from Earth, but Luke Skywalker might not actually be Darth Vader’s son at all. / but Bigfoot might actually have a regular-sized foot. / but the Loch Ness Monster might actually be very friendly.

Turns out UFOs are actually just ordinary FOs.

He said that any aliens found on earth would be too small for the human eye to see. He doesn’t know what they are, or if they even actually exist, but he’s pretty sure about their height.

He said that any aliens found on earth would be too small for the human eye to see. Or else super-super-large… in fact maybe the Earth itself is an alien! Coool.

He said that any aliens found on earth would look exactly the same as humans, but with slightly different foreheads. Except for the Vulcans, who will have quite pointy ears.

He said that any aliens found on earth would be too small for the human eye to see. Either that or they’re wearing cloaks of invisibility. / or they’ve enacted their cloaking device.

Davies is convinced scientists will find aliens right here on Earth, and they’re the ones who keep moving his remote. / hiding his socks.

Of course, when he says “alien”, he actually means “ordinary Earth-creature”. But who’d fund his research then?

He says that the “weird life” will be found in inhospitable places, like acid lakes, poisonous rivers, volcanoes, and Coober Pedy. / Frankston. / Redfern.

It offers an explanation why UFOs are here. They’re here because they’re here because they’re here because they’re here.

So at least now when you get a probing, you know they’re using local products.

Davies suggests arsenic might substitute for the role of phosphorous in our own lifeforms, but was sceptical about silicon replacing carbon. Silicon-based lifeforms – that’s just sci-fi! Now, back to the arsenic monsters.

He said they might be just under our noses – are you SURE that’s just a moustache? / He calls them the Moustachoids.

He said aliens might be just under our noses – or even IN them. Now that’s a bold new frontier. / He might be right – you’d have to be an alien to choose that as a home.

He said aliens might be just under our noses – or even IN them. But they might be hard to pick.

He said aliens might be just under our noses – or even IN them. He calls them the Mucoids. / Nostrilliums.

He said aliens might be just under our noses – or even IN them. Snot-Creatures from the planet Nostril! “Take me to your hanky.”

He said aliens might be just under our noses – or even IN them. See, he’s not picking his nose, he’s doing research.

Forget searching other planets. We ought to be searching other dimensions.

Humans have already discovered alien life on Earth, but don’t worry – they’re going to let us stay. / they’re afraid of us.

Davies called on scientists to launch a “mission to Earth”. He’s right, that will be cheaper.

Davies called on scientists to launch a “mission to Earth”. Mission accomplished!

Davies suggests that there may be what he calls “weird life” or “shadow life” on Earth, with no evolutionary connection to life as we know it. Which explains Kyle Sandilands.

Davies suggests that the shadow creatures probably dwell in arsenic-rich lakes, in blistering hot vents under the ocean, or in the seven levels of Hell. / or beneath the fire-throne of Beelzebub.

Davies suggests that unusual biochemistry may allow shadow creatures to dwell in arsenic-rich lakes, in blistering hot vents under the ocean, or in spaceships buried under the pyramids. / or on FM breakfast shows. / or in Canberra.

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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