Film Glass House News

Wednesday night TV featuring my actual head

So finally this Star Wars thing is coming to its overdue conclusion. And the good people over at SBS’s The Movie Show decided that since Craig and I made “the definitive documentary on Australia’s obsession with Star Wars”, we would be suitable resident experts to discuss the cultural phenomenon. Or something. Maybe they might even […]

Glass House News

Things not fit to be broadcast

Regular visitors to my house will be aware that I am the “co-author” of some “jokes” that appear on ABC-TV’s The Glass House. The way it works is this. A couple of days a fortnight Mat Blackwell and I get faxed a few news stories. By close of play we send back as many of […]


Pacmen are evil

So the Media Empire is finally launched upon the high seas of the Internet, and what am I doing? Filling the world with enlightened essays of peace, love and understanding? A few fart jokes perhaps? Perhaps I’m flat out preparing the contract for that huge job I just landed. Maybe I’m just too flat out […]


Move over Murdoch

Welcome to the age of the Media Empire. Your world will never be the same. (Due to the chaotic nature of nature no state is ever repeated.)