Glass House

South Oz Youth Parliament (The Glass House 6/7/05)

Another batch of Blackwell/Holt nonsense for The Glass House. South Australian high school students now have a chance to do a subject which teaches them how to be a politican. Great. A high school full of Alexander Downers. When kids are politicians, does that mean at election time they have to kiss themselves? The Youth […]

Glass House

Charities fear losing tax-free status (The Glass House 6/7/05)

The SMH has this article over here my friends. The Tax Office is cracking down on non-profit organisations, with a new list of criteria that charities have to satisfy to qualify for tax exemption. An organisation is not deemed charitable if its purpose is “propagating or promoting a particular point of view”, a fairly broad […]

Glass House

Spanish law to rule out sexism (The Glass House 6/7/05)

The article in question is here. Spain is outlawing sexism, passing new legislation forcing husbands and wives to equally share housework, childrearing and care of the elderly. Spanish husbands have reacted with outrage, and will be protesting against it just as soon as they finish the ironing. Unfortunately the new laws are pretty hard to […]

Glass House

Throwing phones just the beginning for Russ (cut from The Glass House 6/7/05)

Security camera footage has captured Russell Crowe’s hotel lobby outburst – and shown that throwing a phone was just the beginning. After the phone-throwing, Rusty followed up by hurling a ceramic vase, before taking a theatrical bow and assuming a karate stance. Russ says it’s all preparation for his new role in Cinderella Karate-Gladiator Phone-piffing […]


A couple of links

One day I’ll stick these over in Spam Storm, but for now you my beloved blogees can get them first. An Open Letter to the Kansas School Board. All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster and His Noodly Appendage! The iFlea Over’n’out

Glass House

First steps to catwalk career (The Glass House 29/6/05)

Glass House raw material about an article a bit like this one. South Chinese models are being forced to take an exam to show that they can walk properly before taking part in fashion shows. Some stay up all night the night before, pacing back and forth nervously. Which is good practice. South Chinese models […]

Glass House

Court allows flirting at work (The Glass House 29/6/05)

Comedy fodder from Blackwell & Holt regarding this article. A German court has upheld the right of Wal-Mart staff in Germany to flirt at work. The court rejected parts of Wal-Mart’s code of conduct relating to employees’ love lives, alcohol and drug use. This is particularly good news for alcoholic crackwhores. And Courtney Love. A […]

Glass House

Rogues’ Gallery (The Glass House 22/6/05)

Warnie gets mobile phone implanted to save time. Warnie receiving a particularly steamy SMS beamed right into his cortex. This year’s Ashes tour is only being broadcast on brain-cable TV. Warnie’s new hair replacement a success, though I would’ve thought a toupee was less conspicuous. The new domestic cyborg Warnie – you’ll never have to […]

Glass House

Criminal Mind Starts Developing At 3 (The Glass House 22/6/05)

A new study has suggested that, left untreated, children as young as 3 years old can be identified as having criminal potential. kids with a criminal mind at 3 can develop into a psychopath by the age of 6, by the age of 11 can have genocidal tendencies, and by the time they’re 16 they’re […]

Glass House

Aguilera is Torture (The Glass House 22/6/05)

US Forces at Guantanemo Bay have been using some pretty low-down tricks: urinating on the Koran, getting prisoners to bark like a dog, dripping water on their heads, putting their naked body in all sorts of poses, and now even stooping to playing them Christina Aguilera. The torturous techniques have resulted in some confusing testimony. […]