Good News Week

Frigid Pussy (GNW 2/11/09: What’s The Story?)

A New Zealand cat survived 19 hours in a freezer. He’s not just a cool cat, but snap-fresh too!

The cat survived. But the fish fingers were never seen again.

The cat spent 19 hours in a freezer. But it claims it was worth it for first dibs on the frozen trevally.

Looks like tabby took one too many tabs.

But it makes sense the cat survived inside the freezer. In New Zealand, it’s not that much warmer outside.

They asked what the cat was doing there. It’s said it was just chillin’.

“It’s a Westinghouse, right? Well, I was westing.” / The cat figured a Westinghouse would be a nice place for a west.

The cat mysteriously appeared in the freezer when the woman’s cat-hating husband accidentally put it in there to freeze to death.

At least we know, meowogenics is not just a crazy dream.

Krillen the cat’s owner found him when she went to retrieve a loaf of bread and heard the half-frozen Krillen attempt to miaow. And she was sure her kitten steaks weren’t that fresh.

His claws tore at the door before his four sore paws thawed more.

The mischievous cat was just after a few of those yummy frozen mice. / Worst of all, he’d eaten all their frozen mice.

He was just after their miceblocks.

Of course, it’s their own fault for filling their freezer with mice.

Still, it turned out better than when they discovered their puppy in the casserole.

The cat’s fine now. Although it doesn’t purr anymore – it brrrs.

The cat was just going for a kip. Or a kipper.

This was bound to happen if they kept stocking their freezer with immobile fishcicles.

The poor frozen cat wasn’t even able to miaow. At least until they cracked out the chainsaw – miiiaaaaaaoooowww!

She said the cat was upset, but it was all worth it for the YouTube hits.

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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