Good News Week

Inflatable joint (GNW 31/8/09: 7 Days In 7 Seconds)

The Nimbin Hemp Embassy attempted to gain the attention of the Prime Minister with a 10-metre inflatable joint. Unfortunately in Nimbin, that just blended right in.

When they approached Mr Rudd with the giant doobie, he had no idea what it was. He only ever sucks down bucket bongs.

They shouldn’t be approaching Mr Rudd with it – they should be approaching the Greens.

Did I just see a 10-metre joint float by? Maaan… / Maaan… this Nimbin shit is something else.

They heard somewhere that the Government wanted to go green. / wanted to investigate green-power.

Not only could legalising marijuana bring a lot of revenue for the government, but also contribute to greening the country. / making the country greener.

Kevin Rudd has previously said he’s never smoked marijuana and is opposed to it, but I’m sure that’s just because he hasn’t seen a 10-metre joint.

Kevin Rudd has previously said he’s totally opposed to marijuana. You know, in the same way as he’s totally opposed to drunkenness and strip-clubs.

The lobby group said they were going to appeal to Mr Rudd’s sense of compassion, and if he still didn’t approve, beat him over the head with the joint.

The lobby group said they were going to appeal to Mr Rudd’s Christian sense of compassion: “What would Jesus say?” And they’re pretty sure he’d say “Maaaan”. / Let’s face it, you don’t try walking on water straight.

At least now I understand why all of Christ’s teachings end with “oh man”.

There’s a fine line between “amen” and “oh man”.

Well, maybe Rudd’s the right guy to approach. With all his contant lip-licking, he sure looks like he’s got a bad case of cottonmouth.

Unfortunately, the giant inflatable joint was destroyed when it was set alight and smoked by Peter Garrett. / by the Minister for Environment, Heritage and the Arts.

Of course, it wasn’t a real 10-metre joint. It was just a toy inflatable – filled with nitrous oxide!

Just a tip – if your joint’s inflated to 10-metres, it’s possible you’re smoking it wrong.

The Nimbin Hemp Embassy says that legalising cannabis is a health issue – for relief of chronic pain. The pain of not being allowed to smoke chronic.

What was most remarkable was that they actually got off the couch and did it.

It’s lucky Parliament House sells doughnuts or they never would’ve made it there.

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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