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Alms for the ABC…

Hi folks,

Please help put a bit of pressure on the Australian Federal government to increase the funding for the cash-strapped ABC. After all, without funding how will they be able to keep producing The Glass House and actual quality programs?

I’ll hand over now to the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance for the actual details.

We are at a turning point in the future of a fundamental and cherished Australian institution, the ABC. The Alliance is working with to get our message across loud and clear in Canberra. Right now, the Cabinet’s budget committee is deciding the ABC’s funding for the next three years. Their next meeting is on Tuesday.

As it stands, the ABC is $264 million poorer in real terms today than it was 20 years ago. The programs we rely on – from independent news and current and affairs to quality children’s content – are under extreme pressure. In a very real sense, the integrity of the ABC is now at stake.

Sign this petition to restore the ABC’s funding. We need to act now before it’s too late.

Let’s show politicians in Canberra that the ABC’s owners – the Australian public – are prepared to stand up and defend it. For this to work, every signature counts. We’ve set a goal of 10,000 signatures. Will you – and your friends and colleagues – help us get there?

There’s only a few days to get 10,000 people to stand up for the ABC and for public-driven, not profit-driven, Australian media. Click here to sign.

Right now there is real debate within Howard Government on this issue. This gives all ABC supporters an unprecedented opportunity to save it.

Communications Minister Senator Helen Coonan has signalled her support for a real funding boost to the ABC. Last month she admitted that costs have escalated hugely and that the ABC not only needs funding for its new digital technology, but also to enable it to lift its game with content.

But she still has to convince Treasurer Peter Costello and Finance Minister Nick Minchin.

Your actions today can make a difference because the ABC now has meaningful support in Cabinet. The government needs to hear from you that with an anticipated budget surplus of $9.7 billion, soaring to $10.7 billion by 2009, ignoring the ABC’s plight is inexcusable.

Click here to add your name to this important petition today.

With just two media giants dominating Australia’s news and entertainment, a strong and independent national broadcaster is more important than ever before.

We promise your petition will be delivered in person to politicians in Canberra (stay tuned for details).
The ABC is the eyes, ears and voice of our nation. We, its owners, have to fight for it.

Thank you for taking part in this,

Christopher Warren
Federal Secretary
Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance

& The GetUp team @

By Wok

Warwick Holt is a highly experienced, award-winning screenwriter, who has written for many of Australia's top comedians and presenters, and the Emperor of this here Media Empire.

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