Good News Week

2020 wannabes (Good News Week 7/4/08: 1000 words)

Applicants rejected from the 2020 summit’s “best and brightest” panel have voiced their disapproval to organisers. Kevin Rudd said he understood the feelings of those who had been left out. It’s not easy being dumb and crap.

I can see the bouncers now: “Sorry mate, not with that IQ.”

Kevin Rudd was quick to respond to those who missed out, saying that they would’ve made it, if they were as good as him.

Kevin Rudd was quick to respond to all criticism: “Nyah nyah! Loser! Crappy crappy dumbcrap!”

Of course, many people rejected were among Australia’s best and brightest. It’s only compared to the 1000 chosen that they’re worse and dumber. / bad and dumb. / dumb and shit. / so fucked.

There’s a feeling that the summit has disenfranchised certain sectors of society, specifically the dumbshits. / the dumb and shit. / the worst and dumbest.

Turns out some of the applicants weren’t even slightly elite.

And, while all the smartest and bestest people from all over the country are all in the summit, all the rest of us can get together and wrestle hogs! Yeeehah! / all the rest of us can get together and roll around in our own shit! / all the rest of us can get together and burn it down! Yaaaahooo! / all the rest of us can get together and dress pigs up like ladies! Uh-huh huh huh. / all the rest of us can get together and have us an old-fashioned clam-bakin’ cousin-fuckin’ lynch-party!

Many people are disappointed that they didn’t get the gig. Johnno Boganson is especially bitter – his mum always said he was the smartest little guy in the world.

Many people are disappointed that they didn’t get the gig. Australia’s dimmest, dumbest man, Bazza Lump, is especially pissed off, thus further demonstrating his idiocy.

For some reason, and despite constant lobbying, they didn’t pick Chopper.

Bert Newton can’t believe he didn’t make it. Apparently, they didn’t judge intelligence based on head-size alone.

Over 7000 applicants were not selected for the summit. They’ll have to do summit else.

Some of the rejected applicants are going to attend their own summit, where they can come up with some half-baked ideas that have no chance of being adopted. / where they will try to come up with some of the second-best ideas for the country’s future.

One disappointed applicant is holding his own summit: 2021, where one of Australia’s best and brightest tells himself how good and bright he is.

One disappointed applicant had the great idea of renaming Australia after her. Now she’ll just have to convince some other country to call itself Mavisville. / Sharonland. / Enid. / Beatrice.

One of the summit participants said that it could either end up a serious discussion like Lateline, or trash-TV like Jerry Springer. And come to think of it, have you ever seen Springer and Rudd in the same place?

I’m kinda hoping the 2020 summit does become a Jerry Springer shouting match. Maybe Therese Rein is actually a man!

ANU economist Andrew Leigh, on the productivity panel, said he was afraid the Summit could end up like trash-TV show Jerry Springer. After all, with 1000 participants, someone’s bound to have slept with someone else’s wife.

ANU economist Andrew Leigh, on the productivity panel, said he was afraid the Summit could end up like trash-TV show Jerry Springer, particularly reminiscent of the episode “The Education and Training Panel had an affair with my daughter!”

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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