Bruce Film Good News Week News

Twenty-oh-nine? Already?

G’day folks,

I figure what everyone visiting a blog at this time of year is looking for is some nice navel-gazing, a bit of reflection on the year gone by and/or some prognostications on the year ahead. Perhaps a list of the year’s best best-of lists of the year. Or some resolutions of things I wished I wasn’t going to do on January 2nd.

But perhaps it’s better if I stick to facts. And the fact is, I’m just too busy to do anything too creative here in Blogsville, Internetia.

Of course a three month old second son is both enough of an achievement to have made this both a remarkable and very hectic, sleepless year, but perhaps more pertinent to you, dear reader, is the fact that this year I became a full-time writer for the first time. Between a leap from a day per week on The Glass House and The Sideshow to 4 days/week in a long year of GNW, plus funding from Film Victoria for both a feature film screenplay and a TV series bible, I feel very in demand.

As a result, December and January affords little time for holidays as Mat and I work with Tony, Kelly and Jason to finish fleshing out the first series of the show-formerly-known-as-First-Fleet – now known to one and all as Bruce – while I also finish off the first draft of The Butterfly Ball. All in time to return to GNW work in late January for another busy year, and with any luck, get a Bruce pilot script finished as well. Eep.

We’re Doomed… DOOOMED!! was shortlisted for Film Vic funding but unfortunately didn’t get over the line. I suspect there will be more news on that in the coming year though, and maybe even on those old chestnuts Sells Like Teen Spirit and The Devil’s in the Details. You never know my luck.

All the happiest seasonal Christmassy 2009esque wishes to you, yours and theirs.


By Wok

Warwick Holt is a highly experienced, award-winning screenwriter, who has written for many of Australia's top comedians and presenters, and the Emperor of this here Media Empire.

One reply on “Twenty-oh-nine? Already?”

Happy New-ish Year. I hope the increase in demand has not over-tired you too much, Wok.

I imagine you’ll both be hard at it by now for the new series of GNW. Just thought you’d like to know we’re all expecting a corker of a show (no pressure), having been subject to extensive mood swings while it’s been off the air.

Here in the UK we’ve been lucky enough to have Mock the Week and Argumental (a new one) to keep the smiley muscles from atrophying altogether, but it’s like apple pie without the ice-cream or haggis minus the neeps and tatties to slip in a Scottish cultural reference, if I may.

Here’s to sharp pencils and sharper wits. All the best for a corker of a year, fiona

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