Good News Week

Men are liars (GNW 5/10/09: Survey Says)

A study has found that men lie twice as often as women. Oh, we do not. / Actually, no we don’t. According to a new survey, men tell about 6 lies a day, while women only tell 3. Although apparently they are much better at lying on survey questionnaires. Men tell six fibs a day, […]

Good News Week

World’s Oldest Man (GNW 5/10/09: Clash Of The Titans)

The world’s oldest man, Walter Breuning, celebrates his 113th birthday with a party & cake at his retirement home in Montana. Though it could have been an undersea adventure & ox tongue for all he can tell these days. What do you get a 113 year old? The only thing he really wants is to […]

Good News Week

Deadly bikkies (GNW 5/10/09: Strange But True)

The latest startling British survey reveals a new menace hiding in our kitchens – bikkies! More than half of all Britons have fallen victim to biscuit-related injuries. I wonder if that’s why the British Empire lies in ruins. Next the surveyors are going to look into just how many people injure themselves on other kinds […]

Good News Week

Take Terrorists To Dinner (GNW 5/10/09: Strange But True)

Taking suspected terrorists out to dinner may be more effective than locking them up without charge, according to the Department of Foreign Affairs ambassador. If they’re guilty, it can help rehabilitate them, and if they’re innocent, it’s a lot less “going against all the rules of the Geneva Convention”. Just don’t get into an argument […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (GNW 5/10/09: closing)

Tuesday, October 6 The Man Booker Prize will be awarded to the person who books the most men. (It’ll be a traffic cop AGAIN!) Tomorrow the winner of The Booker Prize will be announced, despite pressure from some corners to rename it the Booky-Wooky Prize. Thomas The Tank Engine will be live on stage in […]

Good News Week

Undersmutty (GNW 28/9/09: monologue)

The Australian Christian Lobby has launched a “Tame the Tube” campaign to demand tougher rules on sex, violence and foul language on TV. Of course, they’ll keep demanding it until there’s no sex, no violence, no swearing and no TV. / TV should be for promoting Christ and THAT’S IT. “Underbelly” has copped a massive […]

Good News Week

Boats, people & the Liberal asylum (GNW 28/9/09: monologue)

The Opposition says a big surge in asylum seeker numbers is an urgent problem. More a problem for Christmas Island than the rest of us, but still – URGENT! The Opposition wants asylum seekers to be dealt with. Not in the sense of dealing with them, more in the sense of completely obliterating them. The […]

Good News Week

$11 million Qantas guy (GNW 28/9/09: 7 Days In 7 Seconds)

Despite only working five months in 2008-09 before retiring, Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon was paid 11 million dollars. Just further proof that the financial crisis is over. At least, it is for that guy. Despite profits dropping 88 percent and 1750 jobs lost, Geoff Dixon’s 5 month job as CEO netted him 11 million. […]

Good News Week

Climatematum (GNW 28/9/09: 7 Days In 7 Seconds)

Climate Change Minister Penny Wong has sent an ultimatum directly to Malcolm Turnbull, demanding that he produce amendments to their climate change legislation by October 19. After being at the United Nations climate summit, she was grateful for any argument that only involved two parties. How can the Coalition be expected to formulate a concrete […]

Good News Week

Teen Rugby League as meatheaded as the Seniors (GNW 28/9/09: 7 Days In 7 Seconds)

A 16-year-old has been banned from playing rugby league for 20 years after breaking an opposition player’s nose and eye. But that’s no way to encourage one of the code’s best prospects! Awwww. It’s great to see 16 year olds acting like fully-grown rubgy league players. Remember kids, when you’re going to brutally assault someone, […]