Good News Week

He may be a violent jihadist – but check out his abs! (GNW 4/5/09: So You Think You Can Mime)

An online magazine has published workout tips for Islamic extremists planning jihad. Because even suicide bombers want to leave a good looking corpse. Well, bits of one. Because if you believe blowing yourself up is a holy cause, you might as well fully embrace being a meathead. Because why should being a braindead meathead be […]

Good News Week

Shove your comedy shoes (GNW 4/5/09: So You Think You Can Mime)

A Russian clown has been told he can no longer wear giant clown shoes in Britain because they pose a safety risk. And that humourous nose could have someone’s eye out. A Russian clown has been told he can no longer wear giant clown shoes in Britain because they pose a safety risk. Plus, that’s […]

Good News Week

Spam destroys world (GNW 4/5/09: Strange But True)

It’s annoying, it’s unwanted, and new research says that internet spam is bad for the environment! Although surely not that much worse than every Twitter comment. / Facebook status update. But seriously – is an unwanted “Pleasure Her All Night Long” really much worse than an unwanted “Fred is about to make a coffee”? Apparently […]

Good News Week

Bald Men Torture Mice (GNW 4/5/09: Strange But True)

Scientists in Japan have created a whole lot of extra-hairy mice. Whatever gets you through the night, eh? A Japanese academic has regenerated hair on mice using embryonic stem cells. Fantastic! Up until now, bald mice had to go to Ashley & Martin. / to go to Advanced Hair – squeak squeak! Fantastic! Up until […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (GNW 4/5/09: closing)

Tues, May 05 Tuesday sees the outcome of the latest Reserve Bank board meeting: apparently, we’re all doomed! Still! The Reserve Bank board meets again tomorrow. Isn’t it about time they were promoted to the seniors? The Reserve Bank board meets again tomorrow. Sometimes, I really wish they weren’t so reserved. The Reserve Bank board […]

Good News Week

And the big news? (Good News Week 20/4/09: monologue)

He’s black & hairy, with a white chest & paws, and he’s been in obedience school to make sure he doesn’t wee on the carpet while in the White House. But enough about the president… “Bo” is the Obama’s 6 month-old Portuguese water dog. Apparently the name “Bo” was chosen because Michelle Obama’s late father […]

Good News Week

Bikies Hysteria (Good News Week 20/4/09: What’s the Story?)

Bikies! They’re everywhere! It’s Al Qaeda on Harleys! Osama’s disappointed that everyone’s focussed on bikie gangs these days. Before he pulls another September 11, he’s buying a Harley. But all this demonisation ignores the fact that most bikies are perfectly lovely people. It’s only their leaders that we have to be shitscared of. Four bikies, […]

Good News Week

No Superheroes (Good News Week 20/4/09: What’s the Story?)

A Fitzroy childcare centre has banned all commercial characters including superheroes and Barbies. They want to brainwash the kids their own way. The John Street Community Early Childhood Co-Op have banned all commercial characters and logos which might be marketing to children. And, to avoid labels of hypocrisy, have also changed their name to “Childcare […]

Good News Week

Boredbrand (Good News Week 20/4/09: A Thousand Words)

The Prime Minister has announced a $43 billion plan to bring super-fast internet to the entire country. That’s right folks, we just need to spend $43 billion and we’ll have the fastest porn in the world! Of course with the government’s internet filter in place, we’ll have the fastest access in the world to the […]

Good News Week

If at first you don’t plummet to your death… (Good News Week 20/4/09: So You Think You Can Mime)

A 22 year-old Russian man survived two consecutive leaps from a fifth-floor balcony with only minor cuts and bruises. If at first you don’t sui-ceed, try, try again… He jumped the second time because his wife was telling him off about the first time. And the first time, she was telling him off about the […]