Good News Week

Blowjob in a Helicopter (Good News Week 20/4/09: So You Think You Can Mime)

A commercial helicopter pilot videotaped getting a blowjob from a porn star while flying has had his license revoked. Mind you, he doesn’t need to fly choppers given the money he’s making from video sales. A commercial helicopter pilot videotaped getting a blowjob from a porn star while flying has had his license revoked. Pilots […]

Good News Week

Obarbarian (Good News Week 20/4/09: Strange But True)

Barack Obama is featuring in a new range of comics as “Barack the Barbarian”. No, it’s a compliment, really. / I’m sure it’s meant to be a compliment. That’s more like it! Enough of this pussy-foot negotiatin’, more bloody-axe swingin’! Obama the Barbarian is just like Obama the Politician, only there’s fewer grass-roots round-table discussions, […]

Good News Week

Saddam Museum (Good News Week 20/4/09: Strange But True)

The Iraqi Government plans to open a museum filled with Saddam Hussein’s weapons, statues, paintings, furniture and artefacts. It’s a full Saddamarama! Because after 34 years of tyrannical rule, the Iraqis have been absolutely itching for a celebratory museum. At last, a decent justification for the invasion. You ought to see the Weapons of Mass […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (Good News Week 20/4/09: closing)

Mon, April 20 It’s been one year since the 2020 summit. Though with the Global Financial Crisis it’s now discounted to 19.95. It’s been one year since the 2020 summit. And so far it’s achieved… um… anyone for a 2021 summit? / And all the great ideas will be up for discussion at the 2021 […]

Good News Week

Mini-You (Good News Week 23/3/09: monologue)

A Japanese toy company is tailor-making robotic Mini-Mes which replicate your appearance and even your voice. Great as a conversation starter, to freak out your friends, or to send out to do your evil bidding! Because, deep down inside, doesn’t everyone want a creepy robot that looks just like you? A robo-mini-me. I never thought […]

Good News Week

Scooby Whacks (Good News Week 23/3/09: monologue)

A study by Iowa State University found evidence of increased violence amongst children who’d been exposed to cartoons like Scooby-Doo. The kids would’ve got away with it too, if it wasn’t for those meddling researchers. A study by Iowa State University found evidence of increased violence amongst children who’d been exposed to cartoons like Scooby-Doo […]

Good News Week

Cannifornia (Good News Week 23/3/09: What’s The Story?)

A member of the Californian govt. announced he was introducing legislation that would not only legalise marijuana, but allow the state to tax the $20 billion a year industry. California a hotbed of drugs? Surely not – that’s the home of family entertainment! / the entertainment world! California. Of ALL places. All America’s stoners will […]

Good News Week

Boxing (a) Kangaroo (Good News Week 23/3/09: What’s The Story?)

A Canberra man wrestled a 40 kilogram kangaroo out of his house after it smashed through his bedroom window at 2am Sunday morning. Boy was it drunk. A Canberra man wrestled a 40 kilogram kangaroo out of his house after it smashed through his bedroom window at 2am on a Sunday morning. He only realised […]

Good News Week

Drumming Rulez OK (Good News Week 23/3/09: Giving Headline)

Researchers studying the effects of drumming believe a video game could boost the mental and physical health of everyone from troubled teens to unmotivated workers. Although not as much as actual drumming would. Playing a video game to gain the benefits of drumming is a bit like improving your vocabulary by watching television. / is […]

Good News Week

Loss like death (Good News Week 23/3/09: Giving Headline)

A Victoria University study has found that Aussie rules fans can find an unexpected loss by their team as difficult as to deal with as a death. And a lot harder to deal with than their own death. A Victoria University study has found that Aussie rules fans can find an unexpected loss by their […]