Good News Week

Happy doing nothing (Good News Week 20/10/08: monologue)

According to the 2008 Happiness Index, the most popular activity to make Australians happy has turned out to be doing nothing. I knew we were all wasting time doing stuff! And even better, doing nothing has zero carbon emissions! (Except maybe the occasional burst of methane.) Hang on a tic… (sit back, look around, twiddle […]

Good News Week

Superman for President (Good News Week 20/10/08: What’s the Story)

The life stories of John McCain and Barack Obama are being portrayed in comic book form! At last people don’t have to read those stuffy old newspapers to get their politics. / An alternative news source to those who find TV too shallow and newspapers too wordy. / poorly inked. That’s what we need – […]

Good News Week

Toad legs: delicious (Good News Week 20/10/08: What’s the Story)

An American TV chef has invented a new dish in the Northern Territory: cane toad legs in garlic and white wine sauce. Mmm, toady! Considering how much sugar they eat, they still taste surprisingly toad-like. Cane toad may be the ultimate food animal. Not only does it taste just like chicken, but you’re allowed to […]

Good News Week

Spybook (Good News Week 20/10/08: 3 1/2 Corners)

The British Secret Service has taken to recruiting spies through Facebook. Unfortunately many of their recruits have taken to updating their status as “Person X is now a SPY!!!” / “Licensed to Kill”. The main problem with recruiting Facebookers as spies, is that they keep writing updates like “…is currently lurking outside the Iranian consulate […]

Good News Week

My debt’s bigger than yours (Good News Week 20/10/08: 3 1/2 Corners)

Banks are trying to psychologically manipulate people into applying for loans and credit cards they don’t really need. What? Banks being underhanded and cruel? I’ve never heard of such a thing. / What? Banks wanting you to take out a loan that you can’t really afford, just to bleed you dry through interest repayments? Surely […]

Good News Week

Lips trump air kisses (Good News Week 20/10/08: Blow Up Your Pants)

According to the London Daily Telegraph, the lip-to-lip kiss has now replaced the air-kiss as the new social handshake. And the actual handshake has been replaced with the Dirty Sanchez. / with the “2 in the pink, 1 in the stink”. / with social penetration. London’s Daily Telegraph has reported the results of a study […]

Good News Week

Penguin Colada (Good News Week 20/10/08: Animal Magnetism)

The latest casualties of climate change are a group of penguins who ended up migrating to Brazil. The unusual detour was primarily caused by warmer-than-normal ocean currents, although many of the penguins also wanted to check out the hot Brazilian chicks. / were hankering for a pina colada. / had their hearts set on dancing […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (Good News Week 20/10/08: closing)

Tues, Oct. 21 On Tuesday, Malcolm Turnbull will talk at the Business Awards in Sydney. He’s not there as a speaker, he’ll just be sitting up the back heckling. On Tuesday, Malcolm Turnbull will talk at the Business Awards in Sydney. And the major prize this year is a shot at the Liberal leadership! Thurs, […]

Good News Week

And in the last couple of months… (Good News Week 13/10/08: monologue)

Sorry about the long break – we were sucked into a blackhole created by the Large Hadron Collider, and spent the last 9 weeks climbing out of our own armpits backwards through time. Not an experience I’ve had since my uni days. Well, it took the collapse of the global economy, but we’re back! Channel […]

Good News Week

Eating Skippy for Our Grandkiddies (Good News Week 13/10/08: What’s the Story)

The release of Ross Garnaut’s final report on climate change has revealed a disconnection between what Australians needs to do and are willing to do. Aussies are prepared to pay 10 bucks a month more for electricity rather than the 40 that Garnaut says we will need to. Still, with that extra 30 bucks a […]