Glass House

Final word from The House of Glass (The Glass House 29/11/06)

So as the good ship Glass House finally sinks to the bottom of the ocean of the ABC, we’d like to thank you, the viewers, for enduring our endless repetition, following our erratic timeslot changes, and enduring our endless repetition. We’d just like to say sorry to many people, but particularly Shannon Noll, Shane Warne, […]

Glass House

Kerri-Anne accepts Keef’s Award for Eksalince in the field of Entertainment (The Glass House 29/11/06)

Wow. What a great honour. Who needs a stupid Logie? Up yours, TV Week. And to get an award in the field of Entertainment – well, it’s great to finally recognised as an Entertainer, just like I always told Mum I’d be. I’d just like to thank my friends and family for filling out the […]

Glass House

The Muslim Election (The Glass House 29/11/06)

Former Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser has warned that next year’s federal election may be the “Muslim election” as the Government continues to ramp up the rhetoric on Islam. In 2001 it was children overboard, in 2004 it was keeping interest rates down, look out for 2007 being the year of Osamas under the bed. […]

Glass House

Nanna-technology (The Glass House 29/11/06)

Scientists have come up with new underwear fabrics that can monitor heart rates and sound an alarm in the event of a health crisis. Although I don’t know how seriously the ambos take a call from a pair of jocks. Unfortunately once you put the shirt on you can never take it off or it’ll […]

Glass House

Death to jetlagged mice (cut from The Glass House 29/11/06)

Tests on mice showed that jetlag can take a permanent toll on health and can lead to early death. Other tests have indicated that early death in mice can also be caused by feeding them Ratsak, giving them to cats or dropping bricks on them. The results are important for humans: not only will we […]

Glass House

Bambang the dog (The Glass House 22/11/06)

An Indonesian University student has been sentenced to almost four months jail for calling President Yudhoyono and his Vice-President “dogs” and “cat excrement”. He was given one month for being insulting, and three months for mixing his metaphors. There is an upside though; when he’s released he’s being offered a job as an Opposition speechwriter. […]

Glass House

Baby toupees (The Glass House 22/11/06)

The latest Internet fad – baby toupees! Just because your baby spews everywhere, drools on the floor and shits their pants is no reason why you can’t humiliate them further. Just because your baby spews everywhere, drools on the floor and shits their pants doesn’t mean they can’t have nice hair. Because what are babies […]

Glass House

Cruisey marriage (The Glass House 22/11/06)

Tom and Katie have at long last made honest people of each other and tied the knot. They had two ceremonies, a Roman Catholic one in an Italian medieval castle overlooking a lake, and a Scientologist one in a mothership overlooking their Thetans’ home planet. The Vatican were unsure whether to allow a Roman Catholic […]

Glass House

We were making a fortune selling the eggs (The Glass House 22/11/06)

A 26 year old British woman has put her eggs up for sale on the Internet to pay off a 15,000 pound credit card debt. She got heavily into debt a few weeks ago when she bought 5000 dozen eggs. “I had a real craving!” To pay off a 15,000 pound debt, a 26 year […]

Glass House

APEC costumes for Sydney 2007 (The Glass House 15/11/06)

Wow, these were actually credited to “Mat & Wok”! Those Glass House folks are so nice. We’re going to miss it, make no mistake… (sniff) What will the leaders be wearing at APEC next year as “traditional Australian dress”? Well, they could wear the great Aussie cozzie: But maybe it would be more tasteful to […]