Glass House

Monologue T-3 and counting… (The Glass House 15/11/06)

LAME DUCK AND DONALD DUCK It’s been a great week for democracy, freedom and all those other things George Dubya Bush keeps banging on about, when the American Democrats took control of both houses of Congress, leaving Dubya a “lame duck” President. The one upside for Bush is that being a duck almost certainly protects […]

Glass House

Dead dog reporting for duty suh! (The Glass House 15/11/06)

The German Army has called up a dead dog for National Service. It turned out to be a terrible mistake, the poor old blind Pekingese would have been completely unsuitable for the Zombie Schnauzer Squad. We’ve stumbled upon the new German war plan! Smuggle dead Pekingese dogs into enemy territory and when people innocently pat […]

Glass House

Hideously Clinton (cut from Attack Ads segment – The Glass House 15/11/06)

John Spencer, Hilary Clinton’s challenger for the Senate, allegedly said that she looked “hideous” as a young woman, and has had millions of dollars worth of plastic surgery. The Republicans are obviously getting desperate – normally they just call their opponents dirty stinkin commie bastards. / dirty treehuggin hippie scum. / normally they just reveal […]

Glass House

Kazakh Bankh (The Glass House 8/11/06)

Still stinging from a concerted campaign of slander by Borat, Kazakstan has had another PR blow when the country’s central bank was found to have misspelt the word “bank” on its banknotes. Unfortunately this now makes them useless for buying horse’s urine, pigskins or other peoples’ daughters. The bank staff responsible said it was a […]

Glass House

Hang on… Phar Lap’s dead? (The Glass House 8/11/06)

Studies of Phar Lap’s hair revealing arsenic has resulted in a new theory that he died when he was innocently fed a toxic cocktail of arsenic and strychnine by his trainers. I know whenever I’m thirsty, I always reach for the arsenic and strychnine – mmm… refreshing! The arsenic tonic was to enhance Phar Lap’s […]

Glass House

Axed but still monologuing away (The Glass House 1/11/06)

CLIMATE CHANGE… YES I HAVE HEARD OF THAT COME TO THINK OF IT All aboard the climate change bandwagon! With not even enough rain to drown Al Gore in, even the Federal Government have had to admit that the planet does seem to be getting a little drier, and so have launched the world’s biggest […]

Glass House

The Work Monster (The Glass House 1/11/06)

Social researcher Bernard Salt says that work has become “like some sick oozy liquid monster sliding into every space in our lives”. I reckon he should change jobs. Remind me not to get into social research. If he hates his job so much, the book is probably just 300 pages of him whinging. Work is […]

Glass House

Kissing mice (The Glass House 1/11/06)

A new scientific study into the nature of kissing has revealed that it dates back at least 100 million years, when our ancestors used to secrete a pheremone and pass it on by direct contact to reveal their gender. Remember, these were the days before bikinis and budgie smugglers. / Well, it was more than […]

Glass House

Ailing for their art (cut from The Glass House 1/11/06)

Research shows that Australia’s artists have levels of anxiety, tension and insomnia well in excess of the general population. For some reason having no job security, poor working conditions and being constantly told that they’re talentless hacks brings about anxiety. But people just don’t understand how stressful it is to paint a red square on […]

Glass House

Terror-prevention pen (The Glass House 25/10/06)

The Internet, home of genius ideas, has a new one – the Terror Prevention Pen. Each pen sold from “Infidel’s Revenge” contains pig’s blood, so any suicide bomber blowing you up gets covered with pig’s blood – damning their soul for eternity. It’s so convenient – at last, you can stop lugging that pig around. […]