Good News Week

Britney votes in Afghanistan (GNW 31/8/09: monologue)

The Afghanistan elections have been subject to up to three million suspicious enrolments, including “Britney Jamilia Spears”. And in Afghanistan, “Hit me baby one more time” is a legally-enforceable marriage requirement.

Surely they don’t expect Osama to register under his OWN name.

Gee, Britney sure is looking a lot more beardy these days.

It’s either not the real Britney, or she’s REALLY let herself go – and grown a beard.

Britney’s only on the electoral roll as a temporary replacement, since Osama’s off on his world tour.

The Afghanistan elections have been subject to up to three million suspicious enrolments, including “Britney Jamilia Spears”. Although, it’s not as suspicious as “Ali Wannakraka”, “Omar Guhdniss”, or “Mohammad A’Doo Doo Doodoodoo.” / “Iporq’d Yamama”.

The Afghanistan elections have been subject to up to three million suspicious enrolments, including “Britney Jamilia Spears”. Although, it’s not as suspicious as “Jihad W Bush”, “Omar Rumsfeld” or “Condoleeza Babaganoush”.

The Afghanistan elections have been subject to up to three million suspicious enrolments, including “Britney Jamilia Spears”. Not to mention “Christina Al Jazeera”, “Justin Timballah” and “Ozzy Ozzy Akbah”.

But who’s to say it’s not the real Britney? She might’ve been on holidays in Afghanistan, loved the place so much she became a citizen, and, as any dutiful citizen would, proceeded to vote in the elections. It’s no crazier than some other things she’s done.

Britney would’ve voted too, except the purple finger would’ve clashed with her lip gloss.

Hang on – remember “Toxic”? Middle-Eastern scales, Britney in a full body-suit, and as an airline hostess… she’s behind 9-11!

Corruptly enrolling Western pop princesses – it’s definitely a new way to counter the fundamentalist threat.

Well at least Britney’s better than their usual pop music – the Taliband.

Remember, if it wasn’t for our eight-year war for freedom, they wouldn’t even HAVE elections to rig.

Hey, at least it’s the “good guys” rigging the election.

Unlike most other elections, this one’s being rigged by both major parties. It’s the world’s most democratic undemocratic democracy!

Both rival campaigns stuffed the ballots with millions of fake names. It’s almost as bad as an ALP pre-selection!

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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