Good News Week

Warning: text-driving can result in sickening videos (GNW 14/9/09: 7 Days In 7 Seconds)

Welsh authorities have produced a sickening video about the deadly consequences of texting while driving. So let that be a warning: if you keep text-driving, you stand a real chance of being forced to watch a video like this again. You should see the video that they’re preparing to stop people axe-murdering! / stop gang-rape! […]

Good News Week

Gutsy Liberal (GNW 14/9/09: 7 Days In 7 Seconds)

Liberal Senator Judith Troeth caused more dissent amongst the Coalition by crossing the floor to vote to abolish charging asylum seekers for their own detention. She’s been shunned in the Liberal party room, where she’s being forced to stay in the “barbed section”. Liberal Senator Judith Troeth crossed the floor to show her support for […]

Good News Week

Singles Day (GNW 14/9/09: 5 Second Grab)

September 17th has been declared National Singles Day, the perfect day to send yourself flowers, buy yourself choccies, spend the night masturbating, and cry yourself to sleep. September 17th has been declared National Singles Day, so send yourself flowers, buy yourself choccies or treat yourself to a night alone with just the one of you. […]

Good News Week

Fake ATMs (GNW 14/9/09: Clash Of The Titans)

European criminals are going one step further than simply skimming ATM card details – they’re building fake ATMs, some of which even give out real money. And if you suspect them of being criminals, they’ll just give you more money. ATMs are being constructed in and around shopping centres by master organised crime groups known […]

Good News Week

Slab smuggler (GNW 14/9/09: So You Think You Can Mime)

An American shoplifter is behind bars after being caught on camera smuggling a 24-can slab of beer between her thighs. But the joke’s on the authorities. They still haven’t found the second slab. / still haven’t found where she hid the second slab. And you should see where she hid the longnecks. She would have […]

Good News Week

I’ll Have What He’s Having (GNW 14/9/09: So You Think You Can Mime)

A Romanian woman presented at hospital with burns, two black eyes and a broken cheek bone while her husband had an almost bitten off penis. Those Romanians sure know how to party. The woman was giving her husband a blow-job while he was cooking pancakes. I suppose if that’s what it takes to get the […]

Good News Week

Bunny Hug Cafe (GNW 14/9/09: Strange But True)

A Japanese café is offering stressed customers the opportunity to cuddle up to a rabbit. Unfortunately, the café only serves carrots. The Usagi-to Café also features rabbit decor, rabbit-shaped toys, dishes moulded to look like rabbits, and tiny little customer-hutches. Girls love to go and pat the fluffy bunnies, guys love to go and perv […]

Good News Week

Drunk landing (GNW 14/9/09: Strange But True)

A 65-year-old German amateur pilot has lost his license after flying while four times over the legal limit and radioing the control tower to ask “Where the bloody hell have you hidden yourself?” He was so pissed, he not only started speaking English, but doing a Steve Irwin impression. A 65-year-old German amateur pilot has […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (GNW 14/9/09: closing)

Tuesday, September 15 Beyoncé will begin her Australian tour in Brisbane, or as they’re calling it for the event, Breysbané. Beyoncé will begin her Australian tour in Brisbane. Brisbanelicious! / I’m available if she’s after a bit of Beyoncé-Beyoncé… Dan Brown’s sequel to “The Da Vinci Code” will be released, to anyone who can decipher […]

Good News Week

Handlessmen (GNW 7/9/09: monologue)

Men between 60 and 69 are most at risk from a deadly scourge – deaths due to do-it-yourself. But I guess, if you’re gunna die, die DIY. By all means, do it yourself – just make sure you get someone to do it yourself for you. Some call it a tragedy, some call it evolution. […]