Good News Week

Gambling Rats (GNW 6/7/09: Clash of the Titans)

Psychologists have trained rats to become successful gamblers, before showing how modifying the brain chemistry could make the rats less rational. It was their only hope of winning back their losses. Rats, left to their own devices, quickly learned to minimise their losses and maximise their profits. The scientists then injected the rats with brain-effecting […]

Good News Week

Getaway Cruise (GNW 6/7/09: Strange But True)

In Britain, a gang of jewellery robbers have been caught by police when their getaway driver refused to break the speed limit. He may be a jewel thief, but he’s no criminal! Looks like their hold up was held up. Armed robbery is one thing, but speed kills. For his safe driving, he got 5 […]

Good News Week

Self-milking Cows (GNW 6/7/09: Strange But True)

Coming soon – self-milking cows! Dairy Australia says technology is nearly ready that will allow “voluntary milking”, whereby cows wander into the dairy whenever they choose and get milked by robotic arms. Cows and robots – together at last! Of course treating cows with such respect and freedom is bound to make them much more […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (GNW 6/7/09: closing)

Tuesday, July 07 In Italy tomorrow, there’ll be a climate change summit with the leaders of the world’s 17 largest emitters. Stinky. / As opposed to the 17 largest-emitting leaders. Tomorrow, leaders of the world’s 17 largest gas emitters will try to hold a climate change summit in Italy, but won’t be able to see […]

Good News Week

Jacko Deado (GNW 29/6/09: monologue)

Michael Jackson is dead. At least, he’s returned to his homeworld. I don’t believe it! Michael Jackson was alive? Poor Farrah Fawcett. Her death was swept off the front page pretty damn quickly. Let that be a lesson – the place to focus your plastic surgery is your heart. Of course we say he died […]

Good News Week

Everybody mustn’t get Stoned (GNW 29/6/09: monologue)

Iran’s parliament is planning on scrapping stoning and hand-amputation, as they’ve now found far more successful ways of oppressing their population. / as semi-automatic weapons seem to work just as well. No stonings? No amputations? They’re taking the fun out of fundamentalism! From now on, anyone caught stoning anyone will have their hand cut off. […]

Good News Week

Obama swats fly (GNW 29/6/09: monologue)

Barack Obama has copped flak for taking pleasure in swatting an annoying fly during a television interview. Give the guy a break. Unlike his predecessor, at least he’s not getting his kicks swatting humans. Although thus far he has been relatively restrained in swatting humans. And if the Iranian conflict continues, he may have to […]

Good News Week

Uteless Politicians (GNW 29/6/09: What’s the Story?)

And the big news? Utegate! Although anyone who knows anything about utes knows that the correct term is “tailgate”. Although now that the ute’s turned out to be a bit irrelevant the media are renaming it Godwin-Grech-Grant-gate. Great. (Or rather, great-gate.) Will someone please shut the gate on this ridiculous suffix “gate”? Unless the scandal […]

Good News Week

Lying Tattoo Face (GNW 29/6/09: What’s the Story?)

An 18-year-old Belgian girl has claimed that, rather than tattooing three stars on her cheek, a tattooist tattooed 56 stars on her face while she slept. Hey, look, she may not have liked it at first, but a 56-star-tatt is bound to help her if she wants to join Heaven’s Angels. She claims she just […]

Good News Week

Super-Honey (GNW 29/6/09: Strange But True)

Researchers have discovered that a health food store Australiasian honey could actually be a cure-all, killing every type of bacteria thrown at it, even those resistant to antibiotics. Which will obviously be fantastic – until the day someone contracts bee flu. It’s obvious, really. When was the last time you saw a bee sneeze? Unfortunately […]