Good News Week

Deserted Island No-smoking (GNW 15/6/09: Strange But True)

A 56-year-old retired banker has found a novel way of giving up his 43 year 30 cigarette-per-day habit, by marooning himself for a month on an uninhabited Scottish island. Yeah, that should provide plenty of distraction from his withdrawal. He hopes that one month on the island will lead to many extra years of life […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (GNW 15/6/09: closing)

Tuesday, June 16 Tomorrow, Bindi Irwin will be at the Daytime TV Emmy Awards in L.A. Now, I’m not ENCOURAGING a head-shot, I’m just putting it out there. Tomorrow, Bindi Irwin will be at the Daytime TV Emmy Awards in L.A. Where’s a stingray when you need one? / But unfortunately no stingrays have been […]

Good News Week

Pod cars (GNW 8/6/09: monologue)

Abu Dhabi is equipping its new sci-fi style planned city with sci-fi style podcars. The personal rapid transit pods will take up to four passengers to their location via a grid of aerial tracks. If you want to go somewhere off the grid, you’ll have to take the hovercar. / space buggy. At each station […]

Good News Week

Carbon pollution for cash (GNW 8/6/09: monologue)

Australia’s 20 biggest greenhouse gas emitters will receive almost $12 billion in assistance in the first five years of the Government’s modified emissions trading scheme. Because if you’re going to effectively reduce carbon pollution, you have to make sure there’s plenty about to reduce. Australia’s 20 biggest greenhouse gas emitters will receive almost $12 billion […]

Good News Week

Emissions fading (GNW 8/6/09: monologue)

The Government’s Emissions Trading Scheme is headed for defeat in the Senate as Malcolm Turnbull asks that we see what the rest of the world does before we commit. Will it burn, or will it drown? It sure will be fun to find out! The Government’s Emissions Trading Scheme is headed for defeat in the […]

Good News Week

A Million Women (GNW 8/6/09: What’s the Story?)

A new campaign hopes to harness women power to fight climate change. Just get them to gossip at a wind farm! Am I right fellas? The “1 million women” campaign hopes to get a million Australian women to cut their household’s carbon emissions by a tonne over a year. Of course, the easiest way is […]

Good News Week

Lawn wallabies (GNW 8/6/09: What’s the Story?)

More news about Aussies making it big overseas. British gardeners are buying wallabies as pets to trim their lawns. And they are certainly good at that, though not so much at serving tea on it. British folks are getting wallabies as an exotic alternative to sheep. Though god knows how they shear them. Not only […]

Good News Week

Enviro-jargon (GNW 8/6/09: 5 Second Grab)

Environmental groups are thinking of dropping terms like “global warming”, as they tend to drive right-wingers away. Instead, the term will be replaced with “threat to water-front property”. Environmental groups are thinking of dropping terms like “global warming”, “carbon dioxide” and even “the environment”, instead hoping to walk around, flapping their mouths emptily. That way […]

Good News Week

Recessionbet (GNW 8/6/09: Dishing the Dirt)

Centrebet have begun taking wagers on the unemployment figures. At long last you can bet on something you have a vested interest in. Hey, you’ve got to spend your dole on something. Finally – Centrebet and Centrelink can work together! You can actually get a pretty good estimate by counting the number of people in […]

Good News Week

Employees’ sex lives is our business (GNW 8/6/09: Dishing the Dirt)

A German firm has commissioned reports on the sex lives of prospective employees. Probably fair enough for a brothel. German firm Deutsche Telekom has been producing reports on the private lives of prospective employees. Hey, when you run the phone system, who wouldn’t have a bit of a listen. German firm Deutsche Telekom has been […]