Good News Week

Economy in Terrorble Shape (GNW 11/5/09: monologue)

Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty has told a national security conference that the economic crisis might overtake terrorism as the main threat to Australia. The cops have particularly got their eye on a mysterious man by the name of Econo bank Laden… / They really want to get their hands on Osama That Money. Federal […]

Good News Week

Bleak Budget (GNW 11/5/09: monologue)

Hooray – it’s Budget time! Just when we were getting used to the government throwing money at us, they’re going to try to claw it all back. The government desperately needs to generate new sources of revenue. Pimping out Swannie just ain’t working. At least there’s a positive side to living in a global recession […]

Good News Week

Finally – Glowing Beagles! (GNW 11/5/09: What’s the Story?)

South Korean scientists have used cloning techniques to engineer four beagles that glow red under ultraviolet light. Which makes the dogs easier to find amongst their robot army. The four dogs just look like beagles with red nails and abdomens by day, but glow red under ultraviolet light. It’s really cut down burglary at the […]

Good News Week

TwitchPod (GNW 11/5/09: What’s the Story?)

A Japanese inventor has created a remote control for anything that can be controlled by facial expressions. Good. I hate hands. At last I can once and for all get rid of my useless hands. Because fingers are so cumbersome. / Because who wants hands? Because pressing a button is just way too difficult. But […]

Good News Week

Cane-Fu (GNW 11/5/09: Strange But True)

Pensioners are embracing a new form of martial art, using their canes for self-defence. It’s known as “cane-fu”, which sounds cooler than “bashing people with your stick”. Cane-Fu: it’s the ancient art of hitting someone with a stick. One technique is to hit attackers with the stick. And that’s about it, really. The cane-fu techniques […]

Good News Week

Common Scents (GNW 11/5/09: Strange But True)

American scientists have discovered that women are able to sniff out male underarm odour regardless of the use of deodorant. While men found 19 of the 32 fragrances tested blocked their body odour, women only found it blocked by two. They also have a much more keenly attuned fart-sensor. American scientists have discovered that women […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (GNW 11/5/09: closing)

Tues, May 12 Tomorrow, of course, is the Budget! Apparently the world economy is stuck in a rut, and nothing will budget. Tomorrow is also International Nurses Day! Sick! / That’s totally sick! / Sick mate! Tomorrow is International Nurses Day, hope they enjoy a lovely day before doing double-time to cope with the influx […]

Good News Week

And the big news? (GNW 4/5/09: monologue)

Swine flu! The latest terror sweeping the world! It’s a mutant strain of human, bird & pig flu. Turns out pigs CAN fly – and they’re mating with us in our sleep! Phh. Swine flu? Pigs might fly. But I was always told it was extremely unlikely that swine flu. And the symptoms are “fever, […]

Good News Week

Swimsuit CRISIS! (GNW 4/5/09: What’s the Story?)

The swimming world is in crisis after world records are tumbling to Frenchmen wearing unapproved flotation-enhanced swimsuits. So ladies, be careful with French swimmers – that may not be all their own croissant. You can tell the suits unfairly aid flotation, when you see the swimming coach pull the swimmers down from the ceiling with […]

Good News Week

Beat On The Brat (GNW 4/5/09: What’s the Story?)

An outrage has been caused by Youtube footage of Sydney boys as young as four in a boxing bout. Awww. It’s like Pet Rocky. But I tell you what, their little black eyes are so cute! The kids’ parents have said it’s the last time they have Anthony Mundine babysit. It’s easy to get 4-year-olds […]