Good News Week

Pollute the skies, save the planet (Good News Week 9/6/08: Strange But True)

Now this is a great idea. Tim Flannery reckons that to slow global warming we should fill the sky with sulphur, which will block the sun’s rays, but which might have terrible side-effects, and will change the colour of the sky. How about, instead, we all ride bikes and use solar and wind power? I […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (Good News Week 9/6/08: closing)

Tues, June 10 Tomorrow’s Centenary of rugby league gala dinner will be attended by whole flocks of galas. At the “Centenary of Rugby League” gala dinner in Brisbane, there’ll be a riot when some of the players discover salad in the buffet. / quiche in the buffet. At the “Centenary of Rugby League” gala dinner […]

Good News Week

Pre-flavoured lamb (Good News Week 2/6/08: monologue)

Adelaide Uni scientists have found that feeding lamb on different diets can result in a unique tasting meat. Feeding them on garlic gives the meat a richer taste, and feeding them on Extra gives them a freshness burst that really lasts. Adelaide Uni scientists have found that feeding lamb on different diets can result in […]

Good News Week

Buckle up your beer (Good News Week 2/6/08: monologue)

Alice Springs police have been shocked to discover a man driving a 5-year-old child around with no seatbelt on – but with a case of beer safely buckled up. The man explained that a child can always heal – but when you lose a slab, it’s gone forever. He had a good reason though. He […]

Good News Week

Flight of the Jet-Sparrow (Good News Week 2/6/08: What’s the Story?)

A Swiss daredevil has flown at over 250k per hour using a home-made jet-glider. He’s like a real-life superhero! Only he can’t carry anything and criminals hear him coming from miles away. He’s like a real-life superhero – for all crimes committed in his flightpath. He’s like a real-life superhero! If you’re committing some sort […]

Good News Week

British X Files (Good News Week 2/6/08: What’s the Story?)

Secret files about UFOs have been released to the public by the British Ministry of Defence. Not only are the files full of first-hand accounts of alien creatures and strange lights in the sky, but they may explain once-and-for-all the odd behaviour of the Gallagher brothers. / the secret truth behind David Bowie. / the […]

Good News Week

Bush gives up golf for war effort (Good News Week 2/6/08: Warren)

George W Bush has claimed that he quit playing golf to show “solidarity” with American soldiers in Iraq. Because, when you’re in direct line of fire on the front line in a ground war in a foreign country, one of the very first things you give up is playing golf. (thump chest with fist) Solidarity. […]

Good News Week

Rudd: Suits You Sir (Good News Week 2/6/08: Warren)

Kevin Rudd hires a stylist. And he still looks like that. / That means his nerd-look is deliberate. He also has someone to help him look good naked. In fact it was the stylist that suggested he go to Scores. It was the stylist that helped Rudd win the election, with their strict policy of […]

Good News Week

Prison Bear (Good News Week 2/6/08: Animal Magnetism)

A wild bear weighing in at about 180 kilograms has been discovered wandering around in a sprawling New Orleans prison complex. It’s actually part of a secret honey-smuggling racket. Apparently the bear’s been imprisoned for honey-laundering. Not only have there been bears found in the prison compound, but they’re unusually furious ones. Apparently someone ate […]

Good News Week

But for the Graze Of God (Good News Week 2/6/08: Strange But True)

A California man says he can see the image of the Virgin Mary in his leg after a motorcycle accident. Wear a helmet, kids. Interestingly doctors have confirmed that his leg wasn’t actually injured, but the concussion is still rather nasty. Lipton believes the Virgin Mary protected him from further injury, and refuses to have […]