As I mentioned last post, I’m a contributing writer to Squishbook, a new book about and full of comics for kids. Well now, Squishbook has been let loose on an unsuspecting public, and it’s awesome! Get one now over here, or grab one at an event on the Squishbookmobile’s upcoming tour of Victoria, including the launch at the Squishface Open Day on April 7.
But just before Christmas, before it could reach the general public, I had to correct a mistake. A Mistake mistake. It took quite some correcting.
Look, why don’t I let Squishbook editor David Blumenstein and myself explain in person:
I did mix it up of course. Some were straight lines, some were squiggles, and quite a few copies got X’s. Each copy has been individually defaced by me!
So when you pick up a Squishbook online or at one of the events below, look for my red pen on page 4, and rest assured knowing that there aren’t no mistakes.