Good News Week

Crazy Corby? (GNW 31/8/09: 7 Days In 7 Seconds)

A psychiatrist has declared that Schapelle Corby has gonme insane. She’s suffering hallucinations, fantasies and bizarre delusions. It’s just like before they took the drugs away.

She’s not insane. She’s just found her boogie board. / having a bit of fun on her boogie board.

Top psychiatrist, Associate Professor Jonathon Phillips, made the report on behalf of “New Idea”, as part of their “Psychiatric Evaluations and Cross-Stitch” special.

That’s interesting, I never knew “New Idea” was a psychiatric publication.

Mercedes Corby says she’s not surprised that Schapelle had been declared insane. I mean, look at her family.

Schapelle’s prison doctor insists that Corby is “fine”. That’s the Indonesian definition of “fine”, which is “alive”.

Schapelle’s prison doctor insists that Corby is “fine”. Sure, she’s suffering hallucinations, fantasies and bizarre delusions, but other than that, she’s right as rain.

Corby’s clearly insane. She keeps saying she’s innocent!

The new report was commissioned by New Idea. So it MUST be true.

According to Dr Phillips, she’s trapped in a “bewildering world where fantasy, hallucinations, and bizarre ideas dominate”. Or as we call it, Bali.

She’s either totally crazy, or she’s fine. Either way, she’s really got the munchies.

There’s no way the New Idea report is a desperate attempt at bringing home Schapelle in order to have the scoop of decade and shore up ailing magazine sales. So get that idea out of your head right now.

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

One reply on “Crazy Corby? (GNW 31/8/09: 7 Days In 7 Seconds)”

Oh, what a witty, witty article. Gosh, what a talented little person you must be! Stand out from the shadows, find a helpless target and through some vitriol before scuttling back into the safety of hyperspace. Do you actually know anything about Corby’s claims of innocence? They are, in fact, strong and compelling claims, one that appeal courts in Australia, where they dealing with it, would most probably uphold. THAT should be the story. Yet you, and many other trivialise someone’s nightmare using her suffering as a subject to create rather second-hand, unfunny and very infantile humour.

It is true that there is a joke to be had anywhere, but you have to very good at doing humour to get away with it. You’re not.

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