Good News Week

Dogs save toddler, win award, hilarity ensues (Good News Week 7/4/08: monologue)

Two dogs who saved a toddler from drowning have been presented with a bravery award from Queensland Premier Anna Bligh, and, as a special reward, have been fed the toddler. / now get to eat the kid.

Two dogs who saved a toddler from drowning have been presented with a bravery award from Queensland Premier Anna Bligh, and, as a special thank-you, have given her fleas.

Two dogs who saved a toddler from drowning have been presented with a bravery award from Queensland Premier Anna Bligh. The dogs were said to be disappointed as they’d thought Peter Beattie was still Premier.

The dogs were honoured by being presented with the prestigious Purple Cross. Although they probably would have preferred Shmackos.

The dogs were honoured by being presented with the prestigious Purple Cross – hidden at the bottom of a bowl of Chum.

The RSPCA awards the Purple Cross to animals that have shown outstanding service to humans. Although wearing one can lead to other animals calling you a suck.

The dogs were desperate to save the toddler. He was the only one in the household they were able to throw around like a ragdoll. / nearly drown. / look down on. / beat up. / gang up on.

Rottweiler-cross Tank and Staffordshire terrier-cross Muck were described by police as four-legged angels. Four legged-angels covered in fur who sniff each others arseholes. / Four-legged angels who eat shit and lick their own testicles.

Rottweiler-cross Tank and Staffordshire terrier-cross Muck were described by police as four-legged angels. Which is nice, coming from the two-legged pigs.

Rottweiler-cross Tank and Staffordshire terrier-cross Muck were described by police as four-legged angels. Which just makes their achievements all the less interesting. After all, they could just fly him out or just use their magical angel-powers.

The dogs still claim they weren’t saving him – they were just trying to crack him open and devour his marrow.

The near-drowned boy was discovered with welts, teeth marks and scratches, soaked and covered in mud and slime. The dogs insist they were saving him, and definitely not sprung trying to drown the little shit.

The ceremony went tragically wrong when little Max wanted the shiny medals and pushed both dogs into the dam.

For endangering their child’s life, the dogs are now attempting to get the parents put to sleep.

To tell the truth, the dogs didn’t even know they were saving the boy’s life. They just thought they were playing fetch with the guy who threw him in…

Asked how it was seeing their little buddy flailing about in the water, the dogs said “rough”.

The two-year old went missing and almost drowned, before the dogs fished him out. Though admittedly they did chase him into the dam in the first place.

The dogs howled loudly to alert people that they’d rescued Max. Or to get some of their friends to join in the feast.

The Purple Cross was established by the RSPCA in 1993 to recognise animals that have shown outstanding service to humans. Because the animals were just begging to have some sort of medal pinned on them.

The dogs were so pleased with their Purple Crosses that they ate them and asked for another.

Only one of the dogs actually made it to the ceremony. It’d eaten the other one.

Only the toddler’s family’s own dog, Tank, made it to the ceremony. The neighbour’s dog, Muck, couldn’t attend the ceremony as punishment for disobeying the explicit instructions to drown the brat.

They certainly are noble animals. Not only did they save a creature from another species, it wasn’t even one that could feed them.

The dogs quickly agreed to save the toddler, as he was undersize.

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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