Good News Week

You’re right, it’s Mel Gibson (GNW 4/5/09: Warren)

Mel Gibson, the man whose wife is divorcing him because he’s already impregnated his new girlfriend. Although he says it was the Jews. Mel Gibson, the man whose wife is divorcing him because he’s already impregnated his new girlfriend. Although he says it was actually the Lord. Mel’s asked bishops to pray for him because […]

Good News Week

Nothing Shitter Than Rudd’s Twitter (GNW 4/5/09: Warren)

Kevin Rudd’s Twitter posts seem to be even duller than his press conferences. Come on Kevvie, a little less “act decisively to support jobs” and a bit more “how hard is it around here to get a bit of fucking chicken?” But of COURSE Rudd’s tweets are boring! What did people expect? “Kevin is about […]

Good News Week

He may be a violent jihadist – but check out his abs! (GNW 4/5/09: So You Think You Can Mime)

An online magazine has published workout tips for Islamic extremists planning jihad. Because even suicide bombers want to leave a good looking corpse. Well, bits of one. Because if you believe blowing yourself up is a holy cause, you might as well fully embrace being a meathead. Because why should being a braindead meathead be […]

Good News Week

Shove your comedy shoes (GNW 4/5/09: So You Think You Can Mime)

A Russian clown has been told he can no longer wear giant clown shoes in Britain because they pose a safety risk. And that humourous nose could have someone’s eye out. A Russian clown has been told he can no longer wear giant clown shoes in Britain because they pose a safety risk. Plus, that’s […]

Good News Week

Spam destroys world (GNW 4/5/09: Strange But True)

It’s annoying, it’s unwanted, and new research says that internet spam is bad for the environment! Although surely not that much worse than every Twitter comment. / Facebook status update. But seriously – is an unwanted “Pleasure Her All Night Long” really much worse than an unwanted “Fred is about to make a coffee”? Apparently […]

Good News Week

Bald Men Torture Mice (GNW 4/5/09: Strange But True)

Scientists in Japan have created a whole lot of extra-hairy mice. Whatever gets you through the night, eh? A Japanese academic has regenerated hair on mice using embryonic stem cells. Fantastic! Up until now, bald mice had to go to Ashley & Martin. / to go to Advanced Hair – squeak squeak! Fantastic! Up until […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (GNW 4/5/09: closing)

Tues, May 05 Tuesday sees the outcome of the latest Reserve Bank board meeting: apparently, we’re all doomed! Still! The Reserve Bank board meets again tomorrow. Isn’t it about time they were promoted to the seniors? The Reserve Bank board meets again tomorrow. Sometimes, I really wish they weren’t so reserved. The Reserve Bank board […]

Good News Week

And the big news? (Good News Week 20/4/09: monologue)

He’s black & hairy, with a white chest & paws, and he’s been in obedience school to make sure he doesn’t wee on the carpet while in the White House. But enough about the president… “Bo” is the Obama’s 6 month-old Portuguese water dog. Apparently the name “Bo” was chosen because Michelle Obama’s late father […]

Good News Week

Bikies Hysteria (Good News Week 20/4/09: What’s the Story?)

Bikies! They’re everywhere! It’s Al Qaeda on Harleys! Osama’s disappointed that everyone’s focussed on bikie gangs these days. Before he pulls another September 11, he’s buying a Harley. But all this demonisation ignores the fact that most bikies are perfectly lovely people. It’s only their leaders that we have to be shitscared of. Four bikies, […]

Good News Week

No Superheroes (Good News Week 20/4/09: What’s the Story?)

A Fitzroy childcare centre has banned all commercial characters including superheroes and Barbies. They want to brainwash the kids their own way. The John Street Community Early Childhood Co-Op have banned all commercial characters and logos which might be marketing to children. And, to avoid labels of hypocrisy, have also changed their name to “Childcare […]