Good News Week

Cops snitch on themselves (Good News Week 27/10/08: monologue)

Over 1000 complaints about the integrity of Australian Federal Police officers were made last financial year, almost half of them made by fellow officers. Turns out even the pigs hate the pigs. The AFP is generally very professional. It’s just a thousand or so bad apples spoiling the barrel. Over 1000 complaints about Australian Federal […]

Good News Week

Teen Judges (Good News Week 27/10/08: What’s the Story)

Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls has announced a plan for teen judges, prosecutors and jurors to dispense justice to young offenders. Though they wouldn’t be allowed to pass any serious sentences, just Chinese burns and wedgies. / just sulky silences and cutting themselves. / but they would be allowed to gang up on the accused on […]

Good News Week

Virtual strip search (Good News Week 27/10/08: What’s the Story)

A new, virtual strip search machine is being trialled in Australian airports, which allows security staff to see travellers’ breasts and genitals. Although not their faces – that would be rude. People won’t be able to be recognised, as their faces will be blurred. Although there is still the chance that one of the operators […]

Good News Week

Hummusless (Good News Week 27/10/08: Warren)

A Lebanese trade union is planning to sue Israel for claiming Arab cuisine as their own. They say Jews stealing other people’s foods and culture is just not kosher. Well if the Arabs don’t want the Jews to take their food, they shouldn’t have made it kosher. Looks like the next war in the Middle […]

Good News Week

Snuff is back (Good News Week 27/10/08: Warren)

The credit crunch and smoking ban have resulted in the revival of the dead art of snorting snuff! Unfortunately the habit is so little seen these days, it has caused some tragic accidents when some kids tried snorting snuff films. The new craze not only saves you money, but it means you don’t have to […]

Good News Week

Classroom guns (Good News Week 27/10/08: Limericks)

A tiny Texan school has armed its teachers to protect students from crazed gunmen. Because as usual, the best way to prevent shootings is to stock up on guns. Because the only thing that could possibly be safer than kids with guns is teachers with guns. And, when the massacre happens, they can pick off […]

Good News Week

Spy pigeons (Good News Week 27/10/08: Limericks)

Two pigeons have been captured near an Iranian nuclear enrichment facility, and are being accused of being spies. They could tell they weren’t from nearby – all the local birds are hideously deformed. / are radioactive mutants. The Iranians know they’re spies. A little birdy told them. The pigeons are definitely spies. The Iranian’s undercover […]

Good News Week

Imam Chucky (Good News Week 27/10/08: Strange But True)

British parents are disturbed by a children’s doll that appears to say “Islam is the light” and “Satan is King”. Hang on, is it meant to be Muslim or Satanic? Clearly this doll is religiously conflicted. / still spiritually immature. Parents are disturbed by a children’s doll that appears to say “Islam is the light” […]

Good News Week

Palin Porn Gives Me The Horn (Good News Week 27/10/08: Strange But True)

A major LA porn studio is looking for a Sarah Palin look-alike to play Palin in an adult film. Because before you vote for the next leader of the free world, you want to fantasise about screwing her. That’s sure to get more folks rootin’ for her! And to think those nasty lefties are saying […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (Good News Week 27/10/08: closing)

Tues, Oct. 28 Tomorrow, it’s Czech Republic Day. But just to save you the trouble, I have checked, and it is indeed republic day. Tomorrow’s Czech Republic Day. At least, I think it is – I’ll have to Czech… The Future City Transport summit will be held tomorrow. Wow, that is in the future! Tomorrow […]