Good News Week

Guns don’t kill people, students kill people (Good News Week 3/3/08: What’s the Story?)

A group of students is lobbying to be allowed to carry guns to protect themselves against campus gunmen. Honestly, these people are stupid and must be killed. Hey, that gives me an idea… They also believe everyone who doesn’t carry a weapon should be terminated. It’s for their own good. Bush approves. It’s like a […]

Good News Week

Ballet cops (Good News Week 3/3/08: So You Think You Can Mime)

Cops in Budapest are taking ballet lessons. Not only will the lessons develop their muscle strength and make their movements more graceful, but it enables passersby to clearly see the outline of their penises. Since they’ve started the lessons, there’s been a marked increase in the apprehension of criminal swans. While it does make traffic […]

Good News Week

Goldfish have good wotsinames (Good News Week 3/3/08: So You Think You Can Mime)

A 15 year old Adelaide student has proven that fish have memories of at least six days, contrary to the rumour that their memories were three seconds. Huh, as if they could survive with… only a… Sorry, what was I talking about? Goldfish have released a press release, saying “it’s about time our memory was […]

Good News Week

Totally true magazines (Good News Week 3/3/08: Dishing the Dirt)

Lleyton and Rove complained that the magazine just make things up. And then, according to the Womans’ Weekly, they went off and had a drug-crazed sexy nightclub romp with the Olsen Twins – and gained 10 kilos! Rove McManus and Lleyton Hewitt have accused Women’s Day of making up stories about them. Apparently they never […]

Good News Week

Keira’s brushed-up breasts (Good News Week 3/3/08: Dishing the Dirt)

Keira Knightley has revealed she had her boobs painted on for her buxom role in Pirates of the Caribbean. She’s actually a man. / And they digitally removed nearly all of her cock. / And they digitally removed her five-o’clock-shadow. Make-up artists also did a great job of concealing her beard. Not only did Keira […]

Good News Week

A dog of a song (Good News Week 3/3/08: Strange but True)

A song audible only to dogs has topped New Zealand record charts. Not to suggest that New Zealanders are unusually close to their dogs. They just prefer a bit of quiet time. / It’s just a nice break from all the sheep. The song can’t be heard by humans, which is just as well – […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (Good News Week 3/3/08: closing)

Tues, March 4 The outcome from latest meeting of the Reserve Bank will be that they’re still a buncha bankers. The Reserve Bank will make another decision on interest rates. Pray they don’t raise them, or mortgage stress will hit hard, and MPs might have to lose the limo. The Texas & Ohio presidential primaries […]

Good News Week

Libs listening? (Good News Week 25/2/08: monologue)

The Libs are going on a “listening tour” around Australia, to find out what Australians really want. Some would say it’s a little late… / Well, we know what Australians want, and it’s not them. / I think Australians made it pretty clear what they wanted at the last election… The Libs are going on […]

Good News Week

Mobile Phone Osama (Good News Week 25/2/08: monologue)

Video messages from Osama bin Laden & other al-Qaeda leaders can now be downloaded to your mobile phone. Notifications can be received via alert tone, vibrate or explosion. It also acts as a deterrent for using your mobile while driving. The messages are low quality but are excellent for setting off remote bombs. al-Qaeda is […]

Good News Week

Paparazzi-free bubble (Good News Week 25/2/08: monologue)

Los Angeles officials are thinking of adopting a law which means an 18 metre “personal safety bubble” must be created around particular superstars, to keep them safe from the paparazzi. And it’s 18 kilometres for paparazzi with a zoom lens. Of course, their therapists and drug-dealers have to stay inside the bubble. The idea would […]