Good News Week

The Neighbours Effect (Good News Week 25/2/08: What’s the Story?)

British TV producers and linguists are despairing at a new accent creeping into the Queen’s English: Aussie strine. In fact the Queen herself was recently heard to comment “We are not taking the piss.” As the Queen said, “It’s a bloody disgrace.” Englanders are changing their accent, perhaps due to Aussie soap-operas. The major changes […]

Good News Week

Model Spies (Good News Week 25/2/08: Odd One Out)

Seven models will act as spies and report in other models who have eating disorders or are being bullied. They’ll be like Charlie’s Angels, but without all the kickboxing, karate, gadgetry, explosions and other things that actually make it interesting. / but with four extra girls who just stand around looking pretty. Of course, their […]

Good News Week

Sir Warnie (Good News Week 25/2/08: Giving headline)

British PM Gordon Brown hopes to revive Britain’s honours system to reward sports stars throughout the Commonwealth. Because nothing would restore the prestige of the knighthood more than giving one to Warnie. Warnie has already put his hand up, claiming that he deserves to be a knight, since he’s already got such a well-polished lance. […]

Good News Week

Adelaide vs Staines (Good News Week 25/2/08: Giving headline)

The South Australian government has created a new series of ads targeting Britain, with hard-sell slogans like “Sod London house prices” and “Screw working in Staines, hello Adelaide.” The government’s strategy is, if people are going to want to live in Adelaide, they have to be really pissed off first. The South Australian government has […]

Good News Week

Mouse tattoo vaccinations (Good News Week 25/2/08: Strange But True)

German research shows that tattoos may be a better way of delivering new DNA vaccines than standard injections. Tattooing works by proving to the diseases that you’re really tough. Diseases get scared off by how big and tough you are, so they go and attack a wussier target. This, of course, is great news for […]

Good News Week

Masturbate-a-thon (Good News Week 25/2/08: Strange But True)

On May 31, Copenhagen is hosting a Masturbate-A-Thon, which organisers hope will help break lingering taboos about self-love. Wouldn’t it be catchier to call it a Wankathon? We’ll tell you more news about the event as it comes to hand… Last time the “mingle” rooms had to be closed down when all the horny men […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (Good News Week 25/2/08: closing)

REMINDERS Right now, the Oscars are on, and Paris Hilton is still banned from attending. She’s probably still crying “hot, salty tears” – well, we have to assume they’re tears. Her cheeks were certainly covered in something hot and salty. On Wednesday, Ben Cousins is going to be getting the crap beaten out of him […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (Good News Week 18/2/08: closing)

Yes, these are a week late… but you see some of them related to this week’s stories. See we often tape two episodes at a time and then replace the end jokes of the second episode with more up to date ones just before they go to air. If that sounds confusing, good, it’s probably […]

Good News Week

Yes, Prime Minister (Good News Week 18/2/08: monologue)

PM Kevin Rudd is calling for a more respectful Parliament. He hopes that, if the politicians respect each other, there’s some chance that the general populace might one day respect politicians. The language of parliament will be changed: instead of referring to each other as “loathsome maggots” and “lying weasels”, they’ll have to call each […]

Good News Week

Childcare, al-Qaeda style (Good News Week 18/2/08: What’s the Story?)

The US military claims children as young as 10 are being trained by al-Qaeda as killers. It’s “Jihad Trek: The Next Generation”. Their recruiting technique is to ask “Hey little boy, want to play soldiers in the world’s biggest sandpit?” Al Qaida has been recruiting boys as young as ten to use as suicide bombers […]