Good News Week

Baby Brain (Good News Week 18/2/08: What’s the Story?)

A new study shows what families have known all along – that a woman about to give birth loses a significant amount of her memory. Otherwise, she’d never do it again. A new study shows what families have known all along – that a pregnant woman loses a significant amount of her memory. But this […]

Good News Week

Bush Stoned again (Good News Week 18/2/08: The Usual Suspects)

Oliver Stone wants to make a film about George W Bush. It’s a tale about a guy who went from being “an alcoholic bum to the most powerful figure in the world”. And why that’s such a good idea. / And why that was such a bad idea. / And how you can’t teach an […]

Good News Week

Holographic Charlie (Good News Week 18/2/08: The Usual Suspects)

Prince Charles has appeared as a hologram, addressing the World Future Energy Summit. It’s what’s known as a VR system: Virtual Royalty. In showing his commitment to reducing his carbon footprint, Prince Charles addressed the World Future Energy Summit as a hologram. In fact his holographic self had no footprints at all… He urged them, […]

Good News Week

Apologies for Brendan (Good News Week 18/2/08: Strange but True)

Controversy has erupted over Brendan Nelson’s qualified support for an apology to the stolen generations. Well, he’s a doctor, he should be able to flout his qualifications. / With all the things the Liberals represent that are worth apologising for, some would say he’s overqualified. Several Liberals didn’t turn up for the apology at all. […]

Good News Week

Gristing her Mills (Good News Week 18/2/08: Spot the Bull)

Apparently, for the first six months of her relationship with Paul McCartney, Heather Mills was having an affair with an Aussie. She loved having someone with an intimate knowledge of Downunder. Sydney film editor Tim Steel has revealed that Heather was “insatiable”, and that he was her “four-times-a-night-guy”. Yeah, well, let’s hear it from Heather, […]

Good News Week

Self-tasting risotto (Good News Week 18/2/08: Strange but True)

A Slovenian doctor found an unusual ingredient in the hospital canteen’s chicken risotto – a piece of human tongue. Possibly the chicken bit back. A Slovenian doctor found a piece of human tongue in his chicken risotto. And, even more unusual, he found a piece of beef in his meat pie. / And a piece […]

Good News Week News

GNW Ep 1 and a user guide to the Empire

For those who came in late, this blog is run by a couple of the writers employed by GNW-TV, makers of The Glass House, The Sideshow and returning this year, Good News Week. I’m Warwick, I do most of the typing here, Mat’s over there – we only let him have the crayons. Makes the […]

Good News Week

Opening gags (Good News Week 11/2/08)

WE HAVE RETURNED! I know what you’re thinking. That man McDermott: what an ego! But you know what? My show might be back from the dead but you don’t hear me claiming we’re the sons of God. Although, we DO bring you the Good News! We’re back! And just like that other joker who rose […]

Good News Week

Good Next Week (Good News Week 11/2/08: closing)

As part of Japan’s Hadaka Matsuri, or Naked Festival, flights from Germany will be very popular / half-price. Feb. 15 is Hadaka Matsuri (the Naked Festival) in Japan. A load of German naturists will be arriving by plane, and will be horrified that the Japanese wear loincloths. Feb. 15 is Hadaka Matsuri (the Naked Festival) […]

Good News Week

Rudd in da house (Good News Week 11/2/08: monologue)

Tomorrow is the first day of Parliament – or, as the Coalition’s calling it, “Revenge of the Nerds”! Tomorrow is the first day of Parliament for the new Rudd Government. It’s a modern new-look Parliament: a female Deputy PM, several ministers under 50, and Mr Speaker has been replaced by Mr iPod. / Mr Earbud. […]