The Sideshow

The Sideshow Ep. 7: monologue material

The Labor Party wants to ban fast food restaurants from including toys in their kids’ meals. Their little ones keep choking. The Labor Party wants to ban fast food restaurants from including toys in their kids’ meals. Once it’s banned toys, it plans to remove any food that children find yummy, before moving on to […]

The Sideshow

The Sideshow Ep. 6: monologue material

The govt. has dropped all mentions of the term “WorkChoices” in its literature & advertising. They are now using the more “voter friendly” term: Coalition of the Working Enforced Happiness FluffyChoices HappyFunChoices Work Liberation Democratic Freedom Choices VoteLiberal AllrightWeAdmitItYouHaveNoChoices They dropped the original term when they realised it was a blatant lie. Their total spend […]

The Sideshow

The Sideshow Ep. 5: monologue material

A camera crew from the UK Ministry of Defence will follow Prince Harry around on his tour of duty in Iraq. It’s getting hard to escape those bloody paparazzi! The footage of Harry will then be broadcast on TV & the ‘Net in a bid to counter terrorist propaganda. Reality TV – now that‘ll teach […]

The Sideshow

The Sideshow Ep. 4: monologue material

In Canada, an MP has launched a petition to have Bigfoot protected as an endangered species. He says that if we don’t protect it, its native habitat will be totally overrun by Unicorns. In Canada, an MP has launched a petition to have Bigfoot protected as an endangered species. So far he’s got signatures from […]

The Sideshow

The Sideshow Ep. 3: monologue material

A senior union leader has described John Howard as “a skidmark on the bedsheet of Australian politics.” So Aussie politics is a bedsheet. No wonder it sends me to sleep. But these days Howard isn’t just any ordinary skidmark – he’s a nuclear skidmark. Be very afraid. A senior union leader has described John Howard […]

The Sideshow

The Sideshow Ep. 2: monologue material

Our beloved Prime Minister made a big speech in Queensland designed to show the Coalition was the party of fresh ideas & future prosperity. Coz when you’ve got radical new ideas, you want to showcase them in Queensland. / Aaah, Queensland. The home of radical intellectualism. It was the first in a series of speeches […]

The Sideshow

The Sideshow Ep. 1: monologue material

Hi gang, Hope you enjoyed the first ep of The Sideshow last night. Being in another state from where it’s taped, it was my first viewing of it too, and I’m proud to be associated with it. The pilots were good but this was another step up, seems like the show’s finding its groove. I’m […]

Film Glass House News The Sideshow

The Sideshow and other shows on the side

Well it’s official. Saturday April 21 at 7:30pm on the ABC is the date for the premiere of The Sideshow, a new variety show hosted by Paul McDermott, and written by several people including Media Empire’s very own Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell. The show will also feature regular stars including Tripod, The Umbilical Brothers […]

Film Glass House News

One door closes, several revolve

G’day folks, Sorry I’ve been pretty much incommunicado lately. You probably all thought I’d shrunk into my hermit crab shell with the cancellation of The Glass House and have been hoarding ammunition and tinned food in preparation for a brutal massacre in which none will be spared. But that’s only half-true. In fact I’ve had […]

Glass House

Oh what a year (The Glass House 29/11/06)

BUSH DUCK It was the year that George Bush became a lame duck President, which is the best way to protect himself from being shot by Dick Cheney. It was the year that the US Congress was voted back in to the hands of the sane-by-comparison. DICK SHOOTING It was the year that Dick Cheney […]