Glass House

The Superjesus (The Glass House 28/6/06)

The trailer for the new movie Superman Returns has inspired a lot of talk about the parallels between Superman and Jesus Christ. If only Pontius Pilate had’ve stocked up on kryptonite he could’ve avoided that tedious crucifixion… The similarities abound: – He can only be killed by crucifixionite, – His enemy is Lex Lucifor, and […]

Glass House

Heaveno (The Glass House 21/6/06)

An American Christian group has decided the word ‘hello’ is a Satanic greeting, and has launched a campaign to replace it with the more Godly ‘Heaveno’. They’re also replacing ‘Goodbye’ with ‘Godbewithyou’ and ‘How you doing?’ with ‘All praise the Lord Almighty, Hallelujah you doing.’ ‘Hello’ will be ‘heaveno’, shells will be ‘sheavens’, and ‘devilled […]

Glass House

Bob the Greenie (The Glass House 21/6/06)

Bob the Builder is being used to promote home insulation as a weapon against climate change at a European energy ministers meeting. At last they’re putting climate change in language that even politicians can understand! The move represented an acknowledgement of the severity of the climate change predicament. As the British Energy Minister said, “We […]

Glass House

Cybersexy Willis (The Glass House 21/6/06)

The shooting of a new sex scene featuring Halle Berry and Bruce Willis is said to be lacking just one thing – Bruce Willis. Berry had to writhe around solo while a tape of Willis’ voice was played; Bruce will be spliced into the scene later via computer. Apparently Willis “couldn’t make the shoot”. Now […]

Glass House

Too-sexy Radio (The Glass House 21/6/06)

A German radio DJ, Lady Ray, has been sacked for dressing too sexily on air. Fair enough too. I mean short skirts are one thing but actually dressing on air is going too far. She should have taken a leaf out of Aussie radio’s book, and been undressing on air. Her radio career’s over but […]

Glass House

Communist Plot (The Glass House 21/6/06)

A late French butcher has left his house and land to the local council on condition that they be used to prepare for the communist revolution. That’s right, it’s a communist plot! Of land. The council has agreed to immediately take steps towards communism; they’ve forced peasants to till the man’s land so they can […]

Glass House

Wil and Corinne’s Monologues (The Glass House 14/6/06)

NON-WARLIKE Australian soldiers fighting in the East Timor conflict have been told they aren’t due combat pay because the conflict isn’t “warlike” enough. Apparently, they’re just “on holiday” with guns. The soldiers are pissed off that they’re not at war – now if they kill someone, it’s just plain old murder. OK, so the East […]

Glass House

Off-Field Footy Feistiness (The Glass House 14/6/06)

Football players of both AFL and NRL codes are taking the biff off-field, with assault charges being laid left right and centre. These guys should know that you’re not allowed to punch the public! Hip-and-shoulder only. Fortunately one fight didn’t progress too far when a New Zealand rugby star broke up a fight by whacking […]

Glass House

Lamb of Hope and Glory (The Glass House 14/6/06)

A new version of Land of Hope and Glory intended to unite the English behind their World Cup soccer team has been recorded by a flock of sheep. Of course you can’t understand the lyrics – those sheep have a really thick accent / they’re always using Cockney rhyming slang. The singing’s not great, but […]


Baby ahoy!

Hi folks, Sorry for the late posting for last week’s Glass House stories but we’ve been a little busy at Chez Holt with a new addition to the household. Born on the 9/6/06, the precocious little 21st century bubba has already begun blogging himself – take a look at his handiwork over here! Cheers Wok