Glass House

Surfin’ Tsunami (The Glass House 16/11/05)

The City of Malibu is distributing brochures warning surfers not to catch a ride on a tsunami. Wipe out! …whole cities at a time. Beach volleyball is also banned from tsunami areas, although they still allow Diving For Belongings and Synchronised Drowning. A tsunami can be a devastating experience. And when you’re choking for air […]

Glass House

Jessica – Therapist or Therapest (The Glass House 16/11/05)

Jessica Simpson has been driven to therapy due to relentless gossip about her marriage to Nick Lachey. Maybe, just maybe, if she didn’t want so much gossip about her marriage she should STOP MAKING TV SHOWS ABOUT IT! Nick said, “She’s definitely crazy. We split up years ago.” Jess said: “Yeah, I’ve started seeing a […]

Glass House

The Guantanamo Diet (The Glass House 9/11/05)

Donald Rumsfeld said Guantanamo Bay hunger strikers are “going on a diet”. And sewing their lips together is just a bit of needlepoint. Donald Rumsfeld said Guantanamo Bay hunger strikers are “going on a diet”. The really keen dieters sew their lips together! Rumsfeld elaborated that prisoners who attempted to hang themselves were just “bungy […]

Glass House

Public Transport for Pollies (The Glass House 9/11/05)

Liberal MP Malcolm Turnball suggests MPs should be able to swap their taxpayer-funded car for a public transport allowance. Wow, pollies on public transport. Next thing you know they’ll be offering public services! Wow, pollies on public transport. Next thing you know they’ll be offering healthcare and education! Of course politicians already take public transport. […]

Glass House

God sets Minimum Wage (The Glass House 9/11/05)

(Some of these gags have been resurrected from the dead…) The head of the Government’s new Fair Pay Commission, Ian Harper, says that the minimum wage will be set by “God’s will”. The next minimum wage increase will be two bushels of grain and a plague of frogs. The head of the Government’s new Fair […]

Glass House

16 Hours of Orgasm (The Glass House 2/11/05)

German researchers have statistically broken down the average human life. The average person spends a total of 24 years sleeping, 7 years working, and 2 years doing pointless research. The research found that we each spend nine months doing housework. So better do it now, or you’re going to spend the last nine months of […]

Glass House

eBAY reHAB (The Glass House 2/11/05)

A rehab clinic in England is treating patients addicted to auction website eBay. Many of the eBayaholics are recovering drug or alcohol addicts who have upped their bids. A place in the clinic has costs 1000 pounds per week. Well, that’s the reserve price anyway. An eBay addiction can be expensive: after all, a piece […]

Glass House

Political Witch-Doctoring (cut from The Glass House 2/11/05)

Tanzania’s politicians are sneaking around after dark to get witch doctors to help them win this month’s election. I don’t know why they don’t just rig it like in a normal country. Tanzania’s coastal region of Bagamoyo is renowned for the quality of its witch-doctors: they’ve managed to predict the results of every election for […]

Glass House

iPod My Baby – please! (The Glass House 26/10/05)

A website now offers little jumpsuits for your baby that make them look like an iPod, complete with a click wheel on the stomach. If you compress your children first, you can fit over 200 into the same jumpsuit! Parents who can’t afford to iPod their baby have been left still having to dress their […]

Glass House

Punch a Pollie today (The Glass House 26/10/05)

NSW Nationals MP Andrew Fraser took a political stoush a bit literally with his Parliamentary assault on roads minister Joe Tripodi. Fraser later apologised. “I’m sorry – sorry I didn’t kill the prick!” Mr Fraser is now being suspended for eight days – by the neck. Fraser became agitated when Tripodi refused to admit he […]