Good News Week

Governmental code of conductzzzz (Good News Week 7/7/08: A Thousand Words)

The Rudd Government has snuck out their long-promised code of conduct for ministerial staff, just hours before sneaking off for their winter hibernation. The code spells out 21 rules for ministerial staff to follow, though specifies no penalties. But this shouldn’t be about specifying penalties, it should be about specifying scapegoats.

To try to wipe out the culture of bullying, they’re going to bully people into behaving.

Strict penalties to ministerial staffers will be applied in any case where it helps a minister get off scot-free.

Strict penalties to ministers and their staff will be applied when necessary. Like if someone eats the last Vovo.

Penalties include being slapped on the wrist, being given a stern talking to, and being sent to your office with only one hors douvre.

One thing completely forbidden is having anything to do with Belinda Neal.

Ministerial staff are no longer allowed to sign off on expenditure which should be the responsibility of the minister. Ministers also have to personally approve all rorting and corruption.

Ministerial staff are no longer allowed to sign off on expenditure which should be the responsibility of the minister. Although they are allowed accept full blame for any fuckups.

Ministerial staff are no longer allowed to sign off on expenditure which should be the responsibility of the minister, unless it’s likely to blow up in the minister’s face, in which case the minister can sign off in the name of his staff using his wrong hand.

So now, if a minister goes against the code, they’ll be thoroughly punished in some form, most likely, if it’s appropriate. Take THAT, minister!

Ministerial staff who go against the code will have to face a secret committee for unspecified punishment. For all they know, it’ll be Rudd and Swan tying them over a barrel and setting loose the Gimp.

Kevin Rudd has released his code of conduct for ministerial staff, in an attempt to end the Howard government’s “cancer of secrecy”. Though it still seems to create a nasty rash. / Though it still seems to weep a sticky discharge. / Though it still itches like hell. / Though no matter how much topical cream you use, it doesn’t seem to go away.

Kevin Rudd has released his code of conduct for ministerial staff, in an attempt to end the Howard government’s “cancer” of secrecy. Ministerial staffers will now face consequences – secret consequences. / although the specific sanctions are being kept secret. A malignant, cancerous secret.

Kevin Rudd vowed at the election to end the “cancer of secrecy”, and has begun by releasing a staff code of conduct just before Parliament closed for eight weeks. He’s replacing the cancer of secrecy with the tumour of buried legislation.

Kevin Rudd has released his code of conduct for ministerial staff, in an attempt to end the Howard government’s “cancer of secrecy”. Rudd wants his cancers out in the open. / As much as he hopes Howard’s secret cancer continues to grow.

Not only is the code wishywashy and vague, but it’s something something whatever.

Many of the points relate to conflicts of interest, like if Kevin wants to do something but Therese says ‘no’.

Ministerial staff should take care to avoid conflicts of interest, and Treasury staff also have to avoid rises in interest.

Many of the points relate to conflicts of interest, like if you used to be President of the Australian Conservation Foundation and are now in favour of pulp mills. / and now say yes to pulp mills to keep your party off your back. / and now support pulp mills and plastic bags.

The code will be policed by the PM’s chief of staff, despite the fact that his wife heads a key firm of lobbyists. That’s not a conflict of interest, that’s just a shared interest.

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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