Bruce Film Glass House Good News Week News

New beginnings, hackneyed endings

Greetings, browsers of the “Internet”,

Well the most exciting news of our career thus far is finally out in the open, so here it is.

Bruce is “under development” with the ABC. See here or here for UNDENIABLE PROOF!

So we’re heads down with our little creative team to make the final case that this should be made into a show on your ABC. The only unfortunate thing is, with the mass of GNW work that we’re doing, along with all the other projects we tend to, time is a resource we have precious little of at the moment.

So, I’m afraid there’ll be an indefinite hold on posting all of our raw material for GNW every week, which has become far more time consuming since we’ve moved from one-day-per-week as junior scribblers on The Glass House to our present four-days-per-week GNW omnijob.

Over the five-plus years, one thing that hasn’t changed is our “Quantity Street” mantra: Each day we faced our assigned stories and let our minds land on any old joke, however mediocre, and let the many processors above us in Sydney sort out things such as delivery, context, and possible humour content. The idea of this blog was to provide a glimpse behind the scenes at the joke killing floor, but if you’ve been coming here for the gags themselves, I hope you’ve found some amusement among the chaff. The stats prove there’s a lot of you out there, so thankyou all for your lookings at us. Hopefully there’s something in the 900+ posts that we’ve put up over the last five years that can still keep you visitors interested.

We’ll drop by from time to time with some news, and there’s every possibility that some day we may provide similar more regular updates. But for the moment, fuck off, we’re busy.

Oodles of love,
Wok & Mat

By Wok

Warwick Holt is a highly experienced, award-winning screenwriter, who has written for many of Australia's top comedians and presenters, and the Emperor of this here Media Empire.

One reply on “New beginnings, hackneyed endings”

What can I say? I’m sad that there won’t be any more GNW-raw, of course, especially since Channel Ten is apparently doing for Ozzie humour what Pauline Hanson failed to do for the whole country, ie stopping foreigners getting into it, but happy that you’re doing something you love. Maybe the ABC will sell the programme over here when it’s done. And maybe the Royal Navy will provide an old battleship to make sure Pauline never makes it to land here in Blighty.

In any case, congratulations and thanks for all the extra mirth you’ve punted my way over the last couple of years. Good luck and best wishes from me, fucking off as requested.

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