Glass House News

New look Empire; same old crap

Hi all,

You might have noticed the Media Empire layout’s a bit changed now. The blog’s moved over from running on spam-magnet bBlog to WordPress. The navigation is hopefully also a bit more consistent and straightforward to use now. More changes may come as the mood takes me and time allows.

The folks over at The Glass House website have also posted up our Glass House remix from last year as a promo for their 200th episode. So welcome to anyone who’s visiting after reading our credit… hope you enjoy this blog’s small glimpse behind the Glass House writing process. (Just as a recap, most of the posts in this blog are the original raw material that Mat & Wok submit to the all-powerful Head Writer who then bashes it together with the other writers’ material into what is loosely termed a “script”.)


By Wok

Warwick Holt is a highly experienced, award-winning screenwriter, who has written for many of Australia's top comedians and presenters, and the Emperor of this here Media Empire.

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