Good News Week

Olympic torture relay (Good News Week 7/4/08: What’s the Story?)

China wants its army to oversee the Australian leg of the Olympic torch relay to ensure protests don’t mar the event, and just do some minor scouting for an invasion.

China wants its army to oversee the Australian leg of the Olympic torch relay. They promise a small-scale presence, with only 3 tanks and minimal shootings. / an absolute minimum of fatal shootings.

And after the race, they’re keen to oversee Parliament.

They’re also very keen to also oversee the Falun Gong championships.

The Chinese officials are concerned after human rights activists hijacked the launch in Athens, and the peaceful torch guarding in Tibet was blown out of all proportion.

Also, apparently the violence in Tibet was really just to ensure that the Olympic flag was kept in good nick.

Because ensuring that a small fire arrives at a sports championship is far more important than the basic rights of your citizens.

The Chinese called off the troops when it was clarified that it was just the torch relay that was being threatened, not torch-ure. / the torture relay. Coz China really kicks arse at that!

As a sign of respect, for the duration of the Olympics, the Chinese are replacing all torture with torchings.

See what happens? You elect a leader who speaks their language, and all of a sudden they assume you’re theirs for the taking.

The Chinese would have been happy to use Aussie troops, only they’d heard they had scruples about shooting their fellow citizens.

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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