Glass House

Too-sexy Radio (The Glass House 21/6/06)

A German radio DJ, Lady Ray, has been sacked for dressing too sexily on air. Fair enough too. I mean short skirts are one thing but actually dressing on air is going too far.

She should have taken a leaf out of Aussie radio’s book, and been undressing on air.

Her radio career’s over but her TV career is now assured!

It’s a contrast with Australia, where our DJs actually have Nude Days. Though I guess you can’t complain about what they’re wearing then.

The DJ was furious. “It’s not as if any of the listeners can see me and my breasts don’t speak into the microphone.” No, of course not, they can only speak off-air. (They’re shy.)

“My breasts don’t speak into the microphone. They’re too busy organising the playlist!”

Lady Ray pointed out that her breasts don’t speak into the microphone. She’s been replaced with a DJ whose breasts can speak. Ratings have trebled.

Her breasts don’t speak into the microphone. She doesn’t let them – they just don’t have a good enough radio voice.

Her breasts don’t speak into the microphone, but you should hear her vagina!

Her breasts don’t speak into the microphone, but you should hear her arsehole! Though it does talk a lot of shit…

Of course it’s not a problem for the listeners, but some of her interviews were less than entertaining when the guest just spent 15 minutes ogling her boobs.

She had been given a couple of warnings, but her tactic of trying to convince the boss to let her off lightly by flashing him her tits didn’t really work that well…

She’s been replaced by a man with a talking cock.

Her producer said, “It’s not that I don’t like her low-cut tops and her miniskirts – it’s just that I can’t see the mixing desk over my throbbing erection.”

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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