News The Sideshow

Sideshow sidles off to the side…

G’day folks,

Not sure if you’ve heard, but the ABC have decided not to recommission “The Sideshow” for 2008. Kind of deja vuey to what happened to “The Glass House” last year. We’re a little sad but we shall soldier on to new and hopefully greater things next year. What those things are at this stage is yet to really be determined. Hopefully there is more TV work with GNW, and we also have many other irons in those various fires that are lit in media world. Hmm.

We’ve got three shows to go, the next two Saturdays, then a week off for election night, before returning for our final blast on December 1st. 9:25 Saturdays, your last chances.

There is a petition to keep us on air, feel free to sign it:

Thanks to GNW to putting together what’s been a often risky, frequently awesome show, to the ABC for giving us our year in the spotlight, and to Paul McDermott for delivering our gags with his usual panache. I’m going up to see the taping of the final show – my first and last Sideshow taping – so I should finally get to meet him – just as I stop writing for him!


By Wok

Warwick Holt is a highly experienced, award-winning screenwriter, who has written for many of Australia's top comedians and presenters, and the Emperor of this here Media Empire.

One reply on “Sideshow sidles off to the side…”

Please don’t give up!!
The material is always so brilliant! We need more shows like this on the tv. There must be something else we can do to keep it on the air!
By the way I love you writtings!

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