Film Glass House News

Wednesday night TV featuring my actual head

So finally this Star Wars thing is coming to its overdue conclusion. And the good people over at SBS’s The Movie Show decided that since Craig and I made “the definitive documentary on Australia’s obsession with Star Wars”, we would be suitable resident experts to discuss the cultural phenomenon. Or something. Maybe they might even play a bit of our doco. 8pm on Wednesday.

Then since you’re in front of the TV anyway, just a reminder that with the aid of a remote control or an extended digit you can turn around to the ABC and see a couple of my gags maybe get a run on The Glass House. Cross-network Media Empiring or what?

By Wok

Warwick Holt is a highly experienced, award-winning screenwriter, who has written for many of Australia's top comedians and presenters, and the Emperor of this here Media Empire.

One reply on “Wednesday night TV featuring my actual head”

Well as it turned out I’m maintaining my shadowy back-room air of mystery. At least there was plenty of PhanDom Menace excerpts… oh yeah, and that Craig guy’s fat head…

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