Why Choose Us?
Warwick Holt, Media Empire's founder and principal media producer, has 15 years experience designing web sites and multimedia. Warwick's also got a diverse background in general I.T. (from software development to management), film and TV (screenwriting, documentaries and editing) and a masters degree in Applied Maths.
Outstanding analytic and problem-solving skills and an excellent ability to translate from Geek into English mean that dealing with Warwick is a pleasure. His client-focussed collaborative attitude ensures that you know what to expect every step of the way.
His broad range of abilities means that he can usually do all the work himself, so the person you're talking to is the person writing your code, saving you time, money and hassles. He's proud to boast that every web site Media Empire has designed has come in on time and budget!
Warwick is proficient in:
Web Design: HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, Flash, JavaScript, VBScript, CGI
Databasing: SQL Server, MySQL, Access, DB2, Clipper
Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, UNIX, Mac
Server Management : Windows NT/2000, Novell, Red Hat Linux
and dozens of software packages. He can fix your computers up for you, or operate as a one man I.T. consultant and web designer. He can even help you with copy writing and online marketing.
And if there's something extra-special required for your project that's outside of his skills range, Warwick has a wide range of talented associates who can handle everything you could ever require, from award-winning graphic designers to hardware suppliers.
Many satisfied customers can testify to the professional skill and personal service that Media Empire provide. Read some of the testimonials here.
Contact Media Empire by emailing info at media-empire dot net.