Bruce News

Bruce is coming… very soon…

Hello readers, or spambots or whoever’s looking this way. According to the logs, there still seem to be tens of thousands of you per month, so I apologise to any actual humans who have been checking back here on a regular basis in the hope of seeing some new content.

Those of you who are regulars may already have read about the First-Fleet-convict-based black comedy series Bruce, which has been a long time in development. 228 years arguably, though only I’ve been posting spasmodically about for the last eight years or so. The big news is that earlier this year it was actually shot, and has now been cut together as a 7 part series, which will very soon be available exclusively online.

Everyone involved (Mat Blackwell and I who wrote it, Tony Rogers who directed it, Jason Byrne who produced it, not to mention the sensational cast and crew) are incredibly proud of this show, finally realising a vision that we’ve held on to for all this time. We hope you’re going to enjoy it too.

So hold on to your browsers, hopefully there’ll be more updates here now. But if you really want to keep up to date with all our teasers, gags, behind the scenes shots and plenty more, I suggest following us on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram. Or why not all three for the price of one – now that’s value.

By Wok

Warwick Holt is a highly experienced, award-winning screenwriter, who has written for many of Australia's top comedians and presenters, and the Emperor of this here Media Empire.

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