Good News Week

Britney actually sings (GNW 14/9/09: 7 Days In 7 Seconds)

Britney Spears stunned fans by actually singing live at a concert in the U.S. Although that wasn’t the biggest shock – it was that she was fully clothed. / it was that she was actually a man. With a full beard.

Britney Spears stunned fans by actually singing live at a concert in the U.S. She was meant to be touring Europe.

Britney Spears stunned fans by actually singing live at a concert in the U.S. Unfortunately, it turns out most of the audience was fake.

Britney Spears has stunned the world by singing live! She covered Alanis Morissette’s “You Oughta Know” – she would’ve sung one of her other songs, but has discovered they’re not designed to be sung by humans.

Of course to accommodate the live singing, Britney had to tone down her dance moves. It’s hard to sing an angsty anthem of affirmation and revenge while dry-humping your backing dancers.

Britney not only sang live, but danced without the help of robotics.

For one song only, Britney not only sang live, but behaved like a normal human being. Freaky!

Britney Spears has stunned the world by singing live! Turns out her real voice is a husky baritone, with a German accent!

Sure, it was her actual voice, but her larynx was controlled from backstage with a series of remote controlled joysticks.

Britney Spears singing with her own voice? Next you’ll be saying she looks after her own children!

Well, who knew – Britney can actually sing! Though any more than one song per concert and her diaphragm might give way.

Her cover of Alanis Morissette’s “You Oughta Know” was great, but not as impressive of her cover of Cannibal Corpse’s “Meat Hook Sodomy”.

Britney’s manager immediately tweeted fans to check out the footage on the ‘Net. Unfortunately, as most of the fans were already at the concert, it caused a huge power shortage as they all opened up their laptops and logged on to see it.

Britney’s manager immediately tweeted fans to check out the footage on the ‘Net. Unfortunately, since most of the fans were at the concert, they all logged on to see it, caused a power outage, and she had to sing the rest of the concert too.

Hurt, her backing track machine has now left the band, and hopes for a succesful solo career. And if that fails, maybe a job with the Pussycat Dolls.

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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