Good News Week

Hypno-thief (Good News Week 14/4/08: What’s the Story?)

Italian police are hunting for a rogue hypnotist who’s been hypnotising cashiers and bank tellers into handing over cash. He’s becoming more daring, in the last bank job stealing over $1300 and turning the teller into a chicken.

In all cases, the cashiers don’t realise anything’s wrong until they discover there’s money missing from the till, and they have an irresistible urge to shoot the president.

The cashiers not only lost money from the till, but lost weight and gave up smoking overnight!

So good was the hypnotist, no-one else in the shop even realised that anything had happened. The only clue was that the cashier was clucking like a chicken.

The last thing the tellers remember is the man leaning over and saying “Look into my eyes”. Tellers have been advised to fight back with a “smell the cheese”. / “pull my finger”.

The last thing the tellers remember is the man leaning over and saying “Look into my eyes”. Tellers have been advised to avoid eye contact with customers and try to remain their usual rude and obnoxious selves.

To avoid the problem, banks have fired anyone who makes eye contact with customers, resulting worldwide in nearly three redundancies.

But he thinks he’s doing nothing wrong. He’s just obeying the sign at the front of each shop that says “Entrance”.

There’s actually been a long history of hypnotist-related crime, it’s just that no-one ever knows.

The bank would’ve retaliated with their own hypnotist, but he couldn’t find his fob-watch in time. / but he’d mislaid his top-hat. / but he spent too long searching for his top-hat and cape. / but he was out the back curling his moustache.

A female accomplice stands behind him distracts the other customers, with a few simple card tricks.

A female accomplice stands behind him distracts the other customers. Police are looking for a man in a cape and his beautiful assistant.

Customers behind him are distracted by a female accomplice, dressed in a glittering bikini and waving around ostrich feathers.

Police believe he has a female accomplice who distracts other customers. Although she may just be hypnotised.

Police actually caught him, but the last thing they remember was being told to watch the watch…

He’s evaded police capture, largely by hypnotising himself into the position of chief superintendent. / bank manager.

The court case has ended up with the jury finding him not guilty and their wallets mysteriously empty.

Now this is a crime that’s been waiting to happen. Maybe at long last we’ll get some decent superheroes.

He’s not only an evil hypnotist, but also a master of disguise with laser-beam eyes!

In the old days, a hypnotist would have been able to make a living amazing us on stage, but we’re so media-saturated he’s been forced to turn to a life of crime.

Police are having difficulty catching the evil hypnotist, so are going to have to turn to Batman.

He’s actually just one of a global team of hypnotists, all under the spell of one evil Uber-Hypnotist, secretly ruling the world. I knew it!

It’s going so well for the hypnotist, he’s planning to run for Italian Parliament for the LookIntoMyEyes Party. His approval rating skyrockets every time he appears on TV.

Not only has Italy got a problem with evil hypnotists, but there’s also been a spate of women being sawed in half, a series of unexplained jugglings, and huge gangs of marauding clowns committing drive-bys in tiny weeny little cars.

The police are hunting for the man with a crack team of strongmen and a bearded lady. / with a trained elephant and a dancing girl balanced on a pony. / with a crack team of knife-throwers and a lion-taming midget.

With the celebrity he’s acquired, he’s started doing hypnotism shows. Entry is free, but Mr Hypno asks that you bring lots of money anyway…

By Wok and Mat

Warwick Holt and Mat Blackwell are long-time writing partners, who created the mega-award winning web series Bruce, and wrote loads of jokes for TV shows including Good News Week, The Sideshow and The Glass House. Several years of their raw material for those shows is posted right here on this blog.

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